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"The thing is mate, if we don't beat Gryffindor this year, I'm going to have to design my murder plan on that ginger Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean looking guy." Blaise's loud and passionate voice was covering the entire common room.

He was having a very enthusiastic conversation with Marcus Flint, Graham Montague, Cassius Warrington and Miles Bletchley about, of course, quidditch. They were all competing for Slytherin, plus Draco and Adrian.

"Be quiet!" Daphne Greengrass yelled at Blaise from where she was sitting. Daphne, Tracey, Pansy were the girl trio, they wouldn't go anywhere without each other like they were glued from their brains. Everyone also knew she got her eyes on Blaise since he was picked for quidditch last year.

I, on the other hand, didn't mind the warning she gave to him because I have been studying Arithmancy on the big table we had in the common room, behind the velvet green sofas and Blaise's marvellous quidditch strategies were distracting.

Blaise responded to her, "What's more important than winning this year's cup?" Earning all the boys' approval.

"Sooo," the chair next to me getting pulled back, I felt the air in my ear from his mouth, Draco. "Sent the owl home?"

His eyes following me, I was just way too concentrated on other things he made me feel when he came around. "What?"

He rolled his grey eyes while I had the opportunity to see what was he wearing, black sweater and trousers. I believed it was bedtime soon for everybody, I had to pack up.

"The owl? Us, getting the invite to Slughorn's club? Letter to sent to your parents? Rings a bell?" He was directly speaking to me, his eyes not even moving elsewhere, his voice calm and low, it's like he was trying to not catch attention.

"Ahh yeah." I collected my thoughts fast enough. "I had to do some homework, I'll send it tomorrow."

"Let's do it together now. One eagle owl is enough."

"Now is too late Draco, I'm tired." I pointed out the open books in front of us. My brain was at the max limit for the day.

"Fine, I'll write for both our parents. Just come with me to see what to say." He pushed back his chair then mine. Hand grabbing me quite hard, I was being forced to follow him to his dormitory.

His dorm door opening as he pushed in, it smelt like men. He was sharing it with Blaise, Theo and Adrian and I didn't even want to think what was going down here. Weed, cigarettes, alcohol, colognes to cover it up. "Do any of you consider cleaning this room or not?"

Lucy and I indeed had been in this room many times in our lives, we would just hang out here some nights with them, sometimes they'd have to carry Lucy here after she passed out from alcohol. It was a familiar atmosphere with a horrible smell.

"My side is clean, they're just into living like dogs." He pointed out the beds next to his. When I looked at Draco's side I noticed he was absolutely right about being clean. Matter of fact, we all knew how extra cautious Draco was. He would need his silk sheets, his colognes, clothes, all ready for him.

He sat down on the side desk that was placed against the enormous window. His bed's placement was the same as mine in my room, furthest at the back of the room. "So, I send it to my parents, they'll probably tell each other either way."

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