The Scene

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"Spot any new hotties lately?" Yujin asked Hyein over the counter.

When she nodded, Yujin jumped for joy. Hyein finished mixing a bright blue concoction before looking over at the door and speaking. "Two new faces. Really pretty. I actually see them with.....your friend."

Ah, Wonyoung. She has hot friends?

"Are they hotter than Wonyoung?"

Hyein's eyebrows crinkled. "That's a rude question. I'm not answering that."

"I'm not saying that she's not hot. She's smokin'. The most beautifulest woman i've seen in my life. But, maybe I want to try my chances on a new one." She then realized what Hyein said a few moments ago. "Wait, what do you mean you 'see them'?"

"Well, your chances are standing over there. Near the speakers."

Yujin swiveled around and narrowed her eyes at the crowd. They finally focused on two ladies talking to Wonyoung. Wonyoung's wearing my favorite silver dress. The mega tight one that leaves little to the imagination. It's our "easy access" dress. Relax, hormones. She's a safe bet. What about her friends? She removed her gaze from Wonyoung's body to view the two.

The first one had long dark hair, and huge lips. Cute. And really fucking attractive, but she looks too reserved and clueless. Even in casual clothing, she comes off uncomfortable and awkward. The other one, however, had Yujin snatch her second shot and knock it back. Black upper-chest length hair with wispy bangs, a little black dress, and peachy lipstick. And that smile. What could be making her laugh so hard? I must find out.

One of them must be that Chaewon girl she's friends with.

Yujin gave Hyein the "put it on my tab" signal and hopped off her seat.



Minji noted Wonyoung's startled glance as a tall Brunette woman with pink cheeks and wandering eyes appeared. She also noted that this woman spent most of their conversation blatantly checking Chaewon out.

"Sorry, I didn't catch your name," Minji said to the girl, plastering on her fakest smile.

"Yujin," the chick hastily answered before returning her attention to Chaewon. "So, is it true that retail girls love to party?"

I would assume girls from any sort of job title enjoy partying.

"Um...I guess so?" Chaewon tried to answer politely.

Yujin's face went smarmy. "Ya know, I'm a club promoter."

"Oh, really?" Chaewon's good at this. She actually sounds interested.

As they chattered, Minji took the time to watch Wonyoung. Obviously, her friend knew this person because she had on her "I don't care even though I do" face. Maybe they have a history? Wonyoung, please tell me you're not involved with this jerk.

Wonyoung's gaze was cast down to her phone, scrolling with her thumb. Minji nudged her. "Hey. You alright?"

Long black hair bounced as her head jerked up. "Yeah. Why?"

Minji moved in closer to speak over the music. "Do you know that girl?"

A shrug. What's that supposed to mean? You don't know? Or, you don't want me to know that you know? Wonyoung's always been so annoyingly private about the names of her sexual conquests.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"It doesn't matter. Let's just go find a table." Wonyoung said and pulled Chaewon away from Yujin.

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