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Friday night had begun roughly, fattened with questions and answers regarding Hanni's ordeals. Eye-opening (and heavy) stuff. Heartbroken, Minji stuck to her guns to turn it all around. She brewed them both cups (Hanni owned literal teacups) of chamomile, played soft music from her phone, and improv-acted a cliché drama so absurd, Hanni nearly choked laughing.

Also: copious cuddling.

Minji owed a lot of favors for the sequence of shift trades she'd done just to get this whole weekend off. It happened to coincide with an insane Craftie's sale (Expanded clearance section! 60% off floral! Half-priced framing! Coupons up the wazoo!) So, she'd be feeling the brunt of that next week. But, it was worth it to spend the night, to sleep in. Strewn into Hanni's sheets, awakened by the smell of a coffee brand leagues better than any Starbucks.

Being sweet and couple-like with the woman she loved.

Yet, at fate would have it, Hanni was summoned for an emergency meeting at WHI Saturday evening. A potential investor, who'd been slated to show up in three weeks, booked an early trip to Korea. Meaning Hanni, Winter and Irene had to scramble to arrange a barely-finished proposal. Hanni promised it would rob only a few hours from their little honeymoon, but Minji didn't mind slacking around the store after closing. She savored these tastes of entitlement.

And, that entitlement took a turn when she realized Wonyoung and Sullyoon would be milling about, gossiping about their patron who apparently laughed like a hyena giving birth. Leaving Minji alone to fend for herself as the co-owners cloistered themselves in Irene's office.

She pretended to browse the selection, even as most of the lights dimmed. Frankly, she'd hoped to hide behind the racks. Or shrink into herself enough to be invisible.

Until Wonyoung called out, "Why are you lurking in the shadows Min?"

Minji's breath hitched. Her cue. "Um, uh sh-shopping."

"Can't you read the sign? We're closed."

Accustomed to being roasted by her best friend, Minji peeped over a row of rompers. To Jang Wonyoung. "Damn, there goes that best friends and family discount I wanted to use."

Sullyoon, routinely attached to her phone, spoke without looking up. "Where's Chaewon? She was here a few hours ago, but mysteriously left again. I want her here to cover for me already."

"Oh." Minji let out a smile. No 'haha-you're-poor' comment? "Giant sale at Craftie's."

"The infamous Craftie's..." Sullyoon mumbled.

Wonyoung scrunched her nose, hands tucked into her stylish pants. "Hanni bragged about your promotion for two days straight."

"Four," Sullyoon corrected, "if you count the text reminders."

Minji grinned through a soft blush, idly skimming through patterned shorts. "Did she, now?"

"She sent pics like the proud dork she is. Kudos on the better manager shirts."

"Heh, thanks?"

"We're not joking." Sullyoon eyed Minji from her vantage point (propped onto two chairs, legs stretched out). "That polo from before did nothing for your boobs."

Wonyoung snorted. "She's not lying. Ill-fitting uniforms are an injustice."

Minji shrugged. "They're just work clothes. Who'll see me?"

"Like, hundreds of people a day."

Huh. I'd never thought about it that way. "I don't exactly have access to a tailor."

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