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When Hanni got up for school, she received a less-than-welcoming view of Haerin and Danielle in the middle of god-knows-what on that damned couch—the furniture and space Haerin seemed to prefer way more than her own bedroom. Hanni held it together long enough to carry on with her day then come home—dodging their attempted haults—to lock herself into her room and cry her eyes out. Being surrounded by sex-crazed idiots while mourning the sudden 'straight' news of Minji, gave her license to bawl more than she had in years.

Had the fates erred on her side, Hanni would still be out with Minji. Possibly holding hands. Definitely giggling at one of a thousand stories they didn't know of one another.

Danielle knocked a few times, earning a muffled "go away" in response. I miss having my apartment with only me and Haerin. The freedom to sob as loudly as I want, with Haerin oblivious and occupied with a book or game. Not a woman.

Plus, your face was between Haerin's legs, pabo. I can't handle looking you in the eye right now.

With a dry throat, thirst took priority at last. A parched Hanni reluctantly left her room to retrieve water from the fridge. Haerin and Danielle quickly separated their lips once she appeared in the doorway. At least they're clothed this time. They silently waited on the couch as she poured herself a glass. She could feel their eyes on her back. When she spun around, they jumped in their seats.

"Soooo, are you two an item now?" Hanni asked before gulping at the water.

The two dummies glanced at each other and giggled. God, no. I can't handle this giddy-lovey act while I'm depressed.

"I asked her to be my girlfriend last night," Danielle answered, blushing.

Haerin nudged her in the shoulder. "And I said yes."

"Was this before, during, or after your fingers were deep in her vagina?"

Their eyes stretched at her crass remark. "Unnie, if we woke you up last night..."

"Whatever. I miss my privacy. It'd be nice for you two to find a new place to sex it up for a few days until I feel better."

"B-but...this is my apartment too! Where would we go?"

"I don't know, Haerin-ah. Be creative." She stomped back to her bedroom and slammed the door.

Fifteen minutes later, she received an awkward text from Danielle, inviting her to a Thai restaurant with their friends for an evening lunch. At first, Hanni rolled her eyes and threw the offending phone to the floor. Later, with an empty, growling stomach and a throbbing head, she collected her things to meet them. Maybe they'll treat me for all the grief I've gotten.


So, there she stood, contemplating whether or not sitting at a table full of dykey conversation served as good treatment for a broken heart. Her fingertips pressed at her numb cheekbones. For two hours prior, she rested ice bags onto her face to quell the puffiness. Nobody needs to know that I've been a weepy mess all day.

The eye roll-worthy presentation of her friends gave Hanni the nagging desire to turn around and escape. There sat a very bland Haerin--Danielle to her left, rubbing her arm affectionately--Wonyoung across from Haerin, posture as perfect as can be, thoroughly watching Hanni approach.

What a sight.

Danielle's demeanor brightened when Hanni claimed a seat across from her by Wonyoung. "Pham! I knew you'd make it!"

Nice hickey, you class act.

"You did?" Hanni snatched a curry puff from the appetizer platter.

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