Chapter 33

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So, Naruto stood outside the giant building, feeling a weird mix of nervousness and amusement. This was where Serafall filmed her "Magical Levia-tan" show. This cartoon somehow managed to be both super kiddy and surprisingly suggestive for adults (seriously, who came up with those outfits?). "What does she even want?" he thought, eyeing a giant poster of Serafall in a pose that was anything but innocent. "Not something for the kiddos," he smirked.

Inside, the place buzzed with activity. As Naruto approached the director, a guy with a constantly worried expression and a notebook glued to his hand, everyone seemed to move out of his way. "Hey, Naruto!" the director said, relief flooding his face. "Sona told me you might not have gotten Serafall's message in time."

"Don't worry, I got it," Naruto replied, holding the crumpled paper. "Just says to come here ASAP. Any details?"

"Serafall wants to talk to you herself," the director explained, pointing down a brightly lit hallway. "Last door on the left, you can't miss it."

Naruto nodded and followed the directions, his boots echoing on the polished floor. He found himself in front of a bright blue door with a playful sign that said "Sera-chan." Below it, a chibi version of Serafall grinned mischievously in her signature pose. Naruto chuckled and knocked three times, his heart drumming a nervous rhythm.

"Come in!" chirped a voice from inside, full of an energy that made Naruto's skin tingle.

He opened the door and was immediately tackled by a hug. It was Serafall, clinging to him like a koala and squealing excitedly. "NARUTO, YOU'RE HERE!" she shouted, her voice a mix of childish glee and something else, something that made him blush like crazy.

Caught off guard, Naruto froze. Serafall, clearly mid-change, wore only a skirt and stockings, leaving very little to the imagination. He tried to look away, but Serafall, with the speed of a ninja cat, playfully tilted his head back, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Before he could even think of a reply, she leaned in, her warm breath tickling his ear as she whispered, "Missed you, Naruto!" The playful tone, laced with something more, sent his mind reeling.

"Uh, Sera-chan, someone might see!" he stammered, panicking a little.

Serafall, with a mischievous grin, snapped her fingers. The door clicked shut, leaving them alone. "Not anymore," she purred, her voice husky and too close to his ear.

Stuck in this awkward situation, Naruto's brain tried to catch up. He tried to move back, but Serafall's grip held him in place. She showered his collarbone with kisses, leaving him speechless and utterly flustered.

"No idea what you're up to, Sera-chan," he thought desperately, trying to regain control. He finally pushed her away gently, his voice firm but shaky. "Look, here, put this on," he said, offering his jacket.

Serafall took the jacket, a playful smile replacing her seductive expression. "Maybe I should keep this off~?" she teased, her voice active.

"Nope," Naruto replied, holding her gaze. "Hold on, hold on... you're... you're different when you're not acting like a kid," he blushed furiously.

Serafall's playful demeanor vanished. She straightened up, her eyes severe. Pulling out a paper, she said in a no-nonsense tone, "Okay, Naruto, listen up. I need your help."

Naruto braced himself, expecting some crazy Maou request like battling a giant demon or stopping an alien invasion. "What is it?" he asked cautiously.

Serafall sighed dramatically. "My show, 'Magical Levia-tan,' is missing two key things."

"Missing what?" Naruto wondered. What could be missing from a show like hers? He held his breath as Serafall continued, her voice serious.

"First, we need a super strong and handsome protector for Levia-tan!" she declared, her eyes sparkling with a glint that made Naruto's heart skip a beat. She then pointed to a drawing of him dressed as a character from some video game, and his jaw dropped...

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