Chapter 19: Unknowing Betrayal?

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Autors Note:

P.S this is in no way hate twards Chan! This is for story line purposes only! And has nothing to do with our best leader ever! I love and admire Chan and all he does! Again this is purely for the story line! Please do not take anyone of what happens in my story seriously as it is fictional! I only use Stray Kids and other Idols as references, and the story has nothing to do with the actual people! Please refrain from correlating anything in my stories with the real life people!

Chapter 19: Unknowing Betrayal?


Chans POV:

"Now, Ji, baby, he said that was the most powerful dark magic usage to happen in four million years since the dark ages... you summoned the void... he thinks either you or one or all the babies are the key to unlock it and release the four horse men or any other monsters banished there. The bottom line is you can't lose control, and I'm sorry to say this, but... we have to bind the babies' powers until they can learn control. We can't risk the void being opened, and if you can't control it in an emotional state, what could the kids do when they have a tantrum? Do you understand, baby?" I ask softly.

He looks disgusted, petrified, and on the brink of tears.

"N-no! If we do that, they'll always be missing a part of th-themselves! They'll feel broken from birth! It'll be so much harder for them to control their magic once unbound. They won't feel connected to their magic! It'll f-feel foreign to them! We can't do that! Do you know how Minnie feels?! His magic is bound, and he feels like he isn't himself all the time! He feels his magic wanting to connect to him! He constantly feels that void! It's not something you can just do either! It's a curse! In order to bind someone, you have to use dark magic! I will not let that happen! And if anyone tries, I'll kill them! I don't care about the consequences! I will not put my children through that! Do you hear me?!" Ji was screaming in my face at this point, pocking my chest as tears ran down his face with a look of betrayal.

"I-i didn't know the full extent of a binding... it sounds a-awful..." I say sorrowfully.

"How could you?! You're not a magic user! Maybe before asking a magic user to do something, find out what it is first and the price you have to pay! Goddess, I can't believe this right now! And it wasn't even JYP that mentioned binding their powers! It was you! Do you know what happened to witches bound at birth?! They go mad! They literally go insane! It's happening to my own mother who used to love everyone and everything! Godess! Just no one bother me. I'm going to my room! I'm done! So done right now! I can't believe you!" He was so mad he pushed me away with the strength of a shifter and ran up to his room, slamming the door.

All you could hear after that was screaming, cursing, crying, and things being thrown and smashed around.

Everyone was frozen.


Third Person POV:

No one expected that reaction from the pregnant witch.

But also, no one expected Chan to make their children ever go through that.

"I'm with Ji on this. If you even try to do that, I'll kill you. Do you hear me?! I'm slowly dying inside every day because I don't feel whole. I'm constantly seeking a piece of myself that I can't have! Don't ever say those words again! It wasn't your place to decide that! Maybe if you had asked about it and sought our OPINIONS, it would have been different! But NO, you TOLD us that it was going to happen! You don't get to decide that! These are our children you're talking about, and you were going to do something to them that you have no knowledge about and didn't even bother to learn?! What's gotten into you?!" Seungmin hostiley exclaims, throwing his hands in the air and goes to walk away as the glass patio doors shattered, causing everyone to duck and protect someone.

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