⚠️🔞Chapter 8: BABY WHO?!🔞⚠️

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⚠️🔞Chapter 8: BABY WHO?!🔞⚠️

Changbin's POV:

The moment Innie mentioned me being a switch, I felt my heart drop. I automatically wanted to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out, but instead, I played it cool and flirted with him. But he came back in dominant mode, which sent me spiraling. I don't even know why... It just happened... and now everyone knows...

I've been latching on to Innie for what seems like hours, but in reality, it's probably only been twenty minutes or so. I just can't bring myself to look at anyone. What will they think of me? Will they think I'm used and dirty? Will they think I'm weak? Will they still want to be with me? These are constant whispered questions in my head, but right now, they feel like they are screaming. But then I remember the boy that found me crying...

I never got to see his face or catch his name. All I remember is him taking me to a different room and calling someone before leaving.

I never saw Rider after that. I didn't contact him and avoided him at all costs. Any time I think of that night, I have the same melody in my head. It calms me most of the time unless it's a really bad panic attack.

Before tonight, no one but Lix and Jinnie had seen me like this. I was always the one they could come to and depend on. But now that is broken. They're just going to throw me away like all my friends did when they found out. I'm never going to be normal. No one is ever going to love me. Why would they? I'm used and dirty. I don't deserve their love.

"Baby, come on, please stop crying I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I hear a muffled voice call out to me, but I can't quite understand it.

"Baby, please. Innie didn't mean to make you cry..." Innie says, causing me to look up at him through tear-filled eyes.

"Why do you care?! I'm dirty and used!" I mumble, trying to get up and leave, but he won't let me.

Third-person POV:

It broke everyone's hearts to hear Changbin say this. No one but Felix and Hyunjin had ever seen Changbin like this, and it was breaking their hearts to hear him think so low of himself. They are upset that none of them noticed and that their Binnie felt like he had to hide this from everyone.

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