Chapter 26

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It has been two whole weeks since Isaac and I agreed to fake our marriage for six more months, and so far life's been pretty boring, Isaac makes sure to ignore me and I've moved to the guest bedroom now so there's no awkwardness in the mornings or at nights, I barely see him, he's always at work and I'm always inside my room writing away on my computer.

My original plan of going back to work failed when my boss got scared by the fact that he'll be hiring Phil Reid's daughter-in-law and not his old employee, he wasn't ready for the attention or chaos that it might cause, but because he knows just how capable I am he gave me the opportunity to work from home, I proofread manuscripts and though the pay isn't high atleast I'm earning something and keeping myself busy, it's better than doing nothing.

I love my job but it does get lonely at times, my friends aren't allowed inside the villa and I'm not allowed to share any details about my married life with Isaac to anyone. I'm starting to think the Reid family needs a reality check, the world doesn't revolve around them and not everyone in the city is thirsty for some gossip from the Reid household... Isaac's explanation was proof enough for me to understand his mindset regarding his reputation, it's silly how he thought that after our divorce people would want me because I was connected to him, he doesn't trust me, and he made sure that I know about it.

I'll still be able to tell on Isaac after six months though, I don't know what makes him think that extending our divorce would do any good to him, all he ever thinks about is his reputation and nothing else!

I shut down my laptop and get up from the uncomfortable chair, Isaac has money but he doesn't have enough to buy nice comfy furniture I guess, except for the beds everything else in this house is uncomfortable, the couch in Isaac's room, the chair in the guest bedroom, the seating arrangement in the library, I could just go on and on with my complaints.

After stretching a little I head downstairs, it was almost time for dinner and I'm hoping Isaac is still at his office, I'll just eat and go back to my room.

As I make my way down the stairs I could hear voices... great we have company!

I circled the corner and was about to skip the living room and head straight towards the kitchen when I heard a familiar voice.

"Oh hey Amber, you finally decided to show up" the voice said, it was Jack.

I turned around and plastered a smile on my face "Oh hey Jack, what a pleasant surprise, Isaac never told me you'll be visiting" I tried to talk in a cheerful voice but Isaac's gaze was on me, and it was making me feel uncomfortable.

"He isn't here for chitchat, it's for business purposes" Isaac replied on Jack's behalf, both of them were leisurely sitting down on the huge couch with some files spread on the coffee table, Isaac had a glass of whiskey in his hand but Jack wasn't drinking, he wore a pair of specs which made him look quite the intellectual.

"Oh" was all I could come up with.

"Come on Isaac, don't be so hard on yourself, we've been working for hours... I'm starving" Jack said in a playful manner, sometimes I can't believe Jack and Alex are Isaac's friends, they're so fun and casual whilst Isaac is always serious and angry.

I hadn't realised that I was standing at the entrance, feeling a little bold I walked to where Isaac and Jack where seated.

"It's time for dinner anyways, come on I'm sure Christine has cooked something good for us" I said looking at Jack who gave me a warm smile before saying "I thought the missus would have cooked the dinner.

"Not today, but I promise the next time you visit I'll cook for you with my own hands, I'm an expert at making roast chicken" I said and he nodded before taking out his pinkie "Promise?" he asked and I laughed at his behaviour, he's such a child.

"Promise" I said taking his pinkie finger with my own, I could feel Isaac sulking but I don't care, we don't always have to play by his rules.


The dinner went well, Jack was a really good company, and it felt good to have someone other than Isaac and Christine in the house, it felt so normal and human like.

After dinner I went back upstairs whilst Jack and Isaac moved from the living room to Isaac's study.

I picked up a random magazine and started skimming through the pages, called mom to check in on her and did some research on how to start my career again after these six months with Isaac are over, if I am to survive after getting a divorce from Isaac than I'd have to stop the proofreading job and do something that'll pay me well.

A knock at the door startled me and I shut down my laptop quickly "Don't you know how to knock?" I asked, but I knew he'd come, I knew he wouldn't let the dinner go easily.

"My house, my rules" he stated in a harsh tone, wow he really is in a mood today. I just rolled my eyes at him which infuriated him even more.

He was still standing by the door, looking at me with disgust "I've told you before and I'm telling you again, stop flirting with my friends. I didn't know you were this desperate for attention!" he exclaimed.

I stood up from the chair and looked at him, his eyes seemed devoid of any emotions and his murderous glare was frightening.

"I don't know what your problem is but you need to stop being so rude to me all the time. It's not you who has to spend everyday locked up in this freaking villa with no one to give you company, you don't have to endure shit but I do so please leave me alone" I said waving my hands infront of him.

"And rest assured Isaac, I don't intend to go after any of your friends, I'm sure they're just as cold hearted as you!" I exclaimed in anger.

In a jiffy he was infront of me, looking at me like an animal assessing his prey "Watch your mouth, I've dealt with bitches worse than you" he threatened before backing away from me.

I thought I've grown used to recieving hate from him but he really comes up with new ways everytime, he's literally controlling my life and I can't believe how helpless I've become infront of him, I can't leave him because he won't let me and I can't be at peace when I'm under the same roof as him

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