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Over the next weeks Hermione and the rest of her friends were busy taking notes and studying for their upcoming N.E.W.T.S. Which meant that Hermione didn't get any chance to spend with Bella. However the professor understood that this would happen so she was well prepared for it. Right now Hermione was seated with Ron, Draco, Harry, Pansy, Astoria and Ginny doing homework in the library.

Astoria was the newest member of their studying party and was suddenly taken interest in Hermione. She was always accidentally touching her and flirting with her in classes. Today however she took the seat closest to Hermione in the library and as she put it accidentally putting her hand on Hermione's thigh. The touch caused heat to crawl up Hermione's body and pool in between her legs. "Astoria...you're doing it again..." Hermione whispered. "Sorry...it's just that I really like you Hermione..." Astoria whispered in response.

"Well, I'm actually seeing someone!" Hermione replied. "Oh...I'm sorry..." Astoria replied as she quickly removed her hand and went back to studying. After a few hours everyone began to leave the library and head to their dorms, leaving Draco, Pansy, Hermione and Harry alone so they could do their rounds for the night. "These N.E.W.T.S. Are gonna be the death of me Granger!" Pansy groaned as they walked around the dungeons.

"Oh Parkinson!  You'll be fine! Come on now I hear someone out of bed!" Hermione whispered as they drew their wands in preparation for anything. However what they saw was definitely not what they prepared for. Around the corner was a very drunken and disoriented Trelawney and Bella in a very comprising position. Pansy and Hermione stood there dumbfounded at the sight. "Hermione! Pansy! This isn't what it looks like!" Bella exclaimed. "Oh...it is what it looks like Bella dear!" Trelawney groaned. Tears threatened her eyes as Hermione grabbed Pansy by the arm and ran back through the dungeons. They never stopped till they were outside Gryffindor house. "Hermione! What's wrong?" Pansy asked breathlessly. "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone!" Hermione exclaimed. "I won't I promise!" Pansy replied as she hugged her friend. "Over the winter break I slept with Professor Black! She confessed she was in love with me! And now she...she...she's with her!" Hermione sobbed against Pansy's cloak. "Oh Hermione! I'm so sorry! It's late, you should go to bed...I'll come here in the morning and check on you ok." Pansy replied softly as they separated. "Don't tell anyone Pans..please!" Hermione whispered. "I won't I never break a promise!" Pansy replied as Hermione stepped through the portrait.

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