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It's been a whole week since Hermione and Pansy ran into Bella and Trelawney in the corridor and since then they never spoke about it. Hermione even avoided Bella and began spending more and more time with her friends instead of going to see the professor. "What are you gonna do Mione? Are you gonna move on with someone new?" Pansy asked one evening as they all sat together in the library. "I probably should. But I'm not sure who here's into girls." Hermione replied with a shrug. Pansy thought for a long moment before her eyes got big as she turned to the brunette and whispered someone's name in her ear. "You think she'd go out with me after how I told her off?" Hermione whispered back.

After they finished their homework Hermione stayed behind in the library and waited till one Slytherin was left alone. Hermione took a moment taking her in before walking over to her to talk to her. "Hey there Hermione....something I can help you with?" The blonde asked looking up at the brunette. "Hey Astoria! What are you working on?" Hermione asked as she sat opposite her. "Just finished up my homework. What about you?" Astoria asked softly. "Uh...we all just finished our stuff too. Say...I was wondering if you'd like to go to Hogsmead with me this weekend?" Hermione asked.

The blonde smiled at her before speaking. "Of course I would! It may come as a huge surprise and all but I like you Hermione! Like a lot!" Astoria explained. Now Hermione was blushing at the blondes comments. "Want me to walk you to your dorms?" Hermione asked extending a hand out to her. Astoria linked hands with the brunette as they began walking down towards the dungeons. As they walked they talked bout all the stuff they had in common. "I didn't know you wanted to run for the minister?" Astoria asked. "Well eventually, I want to work my way up. Changing some laws as I go." Hermione explained.

When they got to entrance of Slytherin dormitory they were still holding hands. They stopped outside the entrance and just looked at one another for a moment. "Hermione...would it be ok if I kissed you?" Astoria asked. "Yes!" Hermione replied. Daphne didn't need to be told twice she leaned and kissed Hermione on the lips. It was hot and heavy for a moment before they broke apart. "Good night Mione!" Astoria whispered. "Good night Astoria..." Hermione replied as she watched Astoria  walk through the portrait. Hermione turned around and walked back to Gryffindor tower with a little pep in her step that night.

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