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Begrudgingly Hermione sat as far away from Bella as she could upon entering the older witches chambers. Avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room she waited for Andy or Cissy to begin talking. "Well! You two know why we're here! Bella got drugged with a high dose of love potion which caused her to be off her guard with that utter moron Trelawney in the corridor that night. She did't do it on purpose, or because she wanted to cheat on you Hermione, she was high on love potion. However that doesn't excuse your reaction to seeing them Hermione. Nor does it excuse you from going out on a date with someone else!" Andy exclaimed.

Bella took this chance to look at the brunette witch who still wasn't returning her glance. "So, now the question is....what happens now?" Cissy asked looking between them. Hermione still looked down at the floor not really listening to anything anyone said. "Hermione?" Andy said looking at her. "Yes?" She asked not looking up. "Do you think you can forgive Bella?" Andy asked. Hermione thought for a long few minutes before responding. "Not at the moment! And if thats all you wanted...I should be going now!" She replied as she stood up and hastily to the door opening and slamming it behind her as she left.

"Well that went up in smoke!" Bella yelled out. "She needs time, she's been hurting too. She may not say it, but I could see it when I saw her in the library earlier." Cissy stated. "Time...I guess I can do that...now if you'll excuse me I've papers to finish grading and N.E.W.T.S. To finish preparing.." Bella stated ushering her sisters out of her rooms. "Come on Andy! Our dear sister wishes to be alone now! Let's go back home, See if Dora has been up to anything interesting since we came here!" Cissy exclaimed as they waved bye to Bella before walking through the fireplace.

"Time....how much bloody time will she need to forgive and forget?...." Bella asked herself as she sank into the chair behind her desk.

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