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The wedding was quiet, simple only friends and family were there. It was just how they wanted it. Now they were seated at the long table waiting on food to arrive and speeches to be made. "This has been the best night of my life." Hermione whispered. "Mine too dove...mine too." Bella replied. "OK! It's time for speech's! Mine first though!" Andy exclaimed as she stood up and headed to the center of the room. "Dove..please cut off my ears...now." Bella groaned. "It won't be that bad love." Hermione replied.

"Good evening everyone! I'm the middle 'Black' sister. I've seen my darling sister grow into the woman she is today. I've seen Bella go through life always bouncing from one thing to another never finding her happiness. That was until she met a sixteen year old Hermione Granger. When we met Hermione she came to Black Manor for Christening with Draco. Draco would always write home to his mother about his new Gryffindor friend Hermione, and how he was now friends with three more Gryffindor students. At first I thought Bella was gonna loose her mind over her perfect nephew Draco made friends with Gryffindors all in his first year. And no matter how many times he'd say 'But Auntie Bella! They're amazing! And Mione's so smart. Then Bella took over the D.A.D.A position at Hogwarts in their seventh year and finally met Hermione properly she was instantly taken by her charm and enthusiasm to learn. It was at Christmas that I saw Bella fall in love with Hermione and Hermione fall in love with Bella. It was a beautiful sight to behold. So no there are no embarrassing stories to share..not on this night of love. To Bella and Hermione!" Andy exclaimed.

One by one people shared a small speech's about the couple. After the last speech made by Harry, Ron and Rose, everyone cleared out allowing Hermione and Bella to sneak off together to consummate their marriage. Bellatrix Black had done it. She had wooed her Gryffindor. She'd gotten the girl in the end. Now they had the rest of their lives together to raise babies, teach students, and watch their family expand and continue to grow.

This is where we leave Mrs. And Mrs. Bellatrix Black. I hope you enjoyed this story.


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