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The next morning Hermione was busy in her first class teaching first years the basics of transfiguration. She answered questions and helped where she could. "Any more questions?" Hermione asked the class. "Will this be on the homework?" A first year Hufflepuff asked. "Yes. I want to write a one foot parchment on this spell. It is to be handed in tomorrow morning. Class dismissed." She stated.

As the day went on she found herself enjoying her classes more and more. The students were extremely well behaved and quick learners. Later that day she sat at the head table beside Flitwick again as she ate her dinner. "I hear that the new transfiguration professor is very popular." Flitwick stated. "Am I? That's news to me...you should have heard the sixth years complaining with the amount of homework I set them." Hermione replied.

"That didn't stop them for singing your praises in charms class." Flitwick replied with a smile. "Well I'm glad, I'm making a difference." Hermione replied. After dinner she headed directly to her rooms to unwind and prepare the rest of the week's classes. She enjoyed this position more than her position at the ministry. Not that she didn't enjoy the ministry...she did but here everyday was different and she liked it.

Once she got done with her class work ready she got into some comfortable clothes and sat on he sofa and sipping a glass of elvish wine and eating a few biscuits she bought before coming here when there was a knock on her door. Groaning she got up and answered it to see Astoria standing on the other side. "What do you want?" Hermione growled. "I miss you." Astoria replied. "So? I don't miss you. No go!" Hermione replied. Astoria didn't say a word she just turned around slowly and left, head hanging low as Hermione shut her door again.

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