Chapter 1

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Will pov 

I've been working non stop for three days but all I can think about is that stupid Di Anglo I wish he came to visit me. Oh there he is "Nico!" I shouted from the entrance to the infirmary, he started to walk over his beautiful black hair was as scruffy as ever he asked me what I wanted."I've been here for three days and you haven't visited me even once," I said slightly annoyed.

" What would you want me a child of Hades at an infirmary for," he mumbled.

"I don't know mabey to see a friendly face once in a while, even just a hay how are you," I said.

"why me?" He asked.

"Oh my gods how dense are you." I said, just then a thought about something he'd said before popped in to my haed," I hope you got over the whole leaving camp thing."

 After a second of thought he said,"yeah I did I'm staying." 

" Good You may be, dense but your not an idiot." 

He stared at me incredulously," how could you talk to me like that , you know I can summon zombies and skeletons and..."

 " Right now you couldn't summon a whish bone without meeting in to a puddle of darkness Di Anglo" I said" no more under worldy stuff you owe me at least three days in the infirmary."

 "Th-three days"

 " yes three days". 

Just then I heard Percy shout,"I'll be right back," he said," promise on the stix and everything."

Nico pov 

Three days three fucking days. After I confronted Percy and Annabeth I walked back to the infirmary, Will lead me to a back room with a bed and a chair then said," I know you don't like people so you can stay back here." Then he left to check on the other pacents, I layed down on the bed then thought that this will be 3 long days.

(A/n I'm form England so some of the words might be a bit different sorry also I will have no updating schedule. Sorry if this is a bit short.)

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