Chapter 5

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Nico pov

He kissed me. Will solice kissed me. Calm down Nico calm down, breath relax calm down. "Was that real?" I asked breathless.

 "Yes, yes it was death boy," Then he quickly closed the gap in-between us and kissed me again, it lasted a lot longer this time and was less experimental after a few seconds I pulled away.

 " Nico are you ok?" He asked with a slight hint of worry in his voice.    

"Yeah just need to breathe."

" Oh," he chucked," I was worried you didn't like it."

In response I pulled him in for another kiss. 

   It ended up turning into a full on make out session. We headed down to breakfast at about 9am both of us still rather flustered but according to Will i need to eat more 'cose I'm under wight' witch to be honest i probably am. When we got down to breakfast, Will insisted that he had to sit on my table so he could make sure I was eating enough food, I said he didn't need to but he did any way (not that I really minded).

 " Hi," Jason said as we sat down at table 1, he glanced at both of us then laughed," I wasn't being serious earlier." 

" Being serious about what?" Percy questioned oveusly clueless.

 Jason just burst out laughing as me and Will turned bright red. Still clueless Percy asked again, "what are you on about Jason?" Then he looked at us and back to Jason. Clearly he was trying to put together the situation, then it seemed to dawn on him "Oh, so um-" 

" no!" I almost yelled.

 "mmm, so don't talk about it."said percy.

 Will like the angel he is changed the subject at that very moment, "Jason, what did you want earlier?" 

" Oh yeah I was going to tell you me and piper are leaving at lunchtime to search for Leo."

"Oh, ok," I said slightly shocked.

When he saw the expression on my face he lent over the table and hugged me," sorry." 

"It fine I'll see you two off." 

Jason pov

 I'm so happy for him, hour neeks has a boyfriend, I think I may not be correct but I think I am. It's a bit upsetting that I'm leaving to day but I do need to find Leo. 

  After breakfast I went to find pipes to tell her the news (A/N im not sure if piper new he was gay but for the sake of this story she dose) i ran over to her cabin and nocked on the door, as she opened the door I spoke," I have something to tell you, solangelo has happened." 

" What?" She said oveusly confused

" Nico and Will are dating, at least I think they are." 

She looked surprised," I knew they liked each other but I didn't actually think they'd do anything." 

" Well I found them both sleeping in Nicos cabin, then they turned up to breakfast for one late which Will would never normally do and for two there hair was really messy and they were both extremely red." 

" Mmm, they were definitely doing something." 

" I know." 

(A/N so I when back and edited the previous chapters manly chapter 3,  sorry it been a while since I last posted.) 

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