Chapter 13

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Nico pov 

 The next day started off with pulling up the floor, everything was going well until we got to the last section of panels. As we pulled up one of the boards there was a hole underneath, we pulled more boards up and a square shaped hole was discovered there was a ladder that lead to what looked like a room.

" Do you think we should go down there?" I nervously asked.

"of cores," my sunshine boy replied

I sat on the edge of the hole and slid in. Once I regained my balance I started to use my hands to find a wall. It took a few seconds but I found a light switch and flicked it on. I heard someone yell "watch out" then my boyfriend crashed down besides me," wow." wow was most certainly one way to describe it, we were stud in a beautiful library.

" Why would a place like this exist in a camp full of dyslexic."

" One I'm not dyslexic, two half the titles are in ancient greek."

He looked at me perplexed," but you struggle to read."

"I struggle to read and write in English because I learnt it through speech, not written language but I can read Italian just fine." 

" You don't know how to read English?" He still looked mildly shocked.

"No, I never had to read."

"Ghost king documents?"

" Greek."

He looked at me like he had never seen me before 

" What?" 

" I'm just surprised you can't read English."

I laughed 


About half an hour later we both returned with stacks of books, his were mostly medical related with one about music, boring, mine were all fantasy or historical fiction. 

I had lord of the rings, the hobbit, The Song of Achilles and Circe (A/N I should probably read that).


Will pov 

When I saw Nico's pile I was shocked, I honestly thought he would read horror or something along those lines, yes I understand that that's a bit seriolipical but I read stuff like that to distract from my own life so I thought he may be similar. 

I had a pile of medical books, some on herbal remedies others on anatomy.

" Nerd."

" Says the boy holding fantasy books." 

He protectively hugged the books to his chest hissing at me," they are my babies don't be rude."

" Nico it doesn't work like that, books can't be babies."

He hissed at me again.

"Ok I take that back."

"Good," he said as he started to climb the ladder single handedly.

" Nico, that's dangerous."

" Ehhh," was all I got in reply, gods this boy will be the death of me. 


At lunch Kayla asked how long it would be till Nico moved back in to his cabin, we reassured her that it would only be one day maximum. 

After lunch we returned to work, by the evening there where only a few of the flooring panels to put down and then moving everything in it would be beautiful once it was finished. 

Just before dinner we tried to contact Jason and Piper to tell them about the message Leo sent us but it didn't go through.

A/N writers block + depression + being severely ill is shit. 

Also did you know Leo in Spanish means ' I read ' I doubt think Leo can read so that's an oxymoron.     

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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