Chapter 11

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Will pov 

There was silence as he deliberated his answer...


And that was all that was said until Mr D broke the silence,"Why? You don't have to tell me now but why?"

"Why what?" Neeks asked from next to me 

"Why would you ask?"

To answer his question Nico pulled off his jacket to reveal the bandages on his wrist, he looks towards me and I nodded, he then slowly unravel the bandages to reveal the not quite healed cuts. When Mr D saw them I could tell he was slightly taken aback , he the looked as me," When was the last time you cut."

I hung my head slightly before I answered," the day the war had ended."

Nico looked up to me pulling me into a hug, as he did I broke down. He led me over to the sofa and hugged me.

 "Will, where are they?"

" My right wrist," I managed to choke out

" I will leave you two to calm down, will Tuesday be an ok time?" Mr D said that I'm the calmest tone I'd ever heard him use.

Nico nodded and took my hand, before I realized what he was doing he had shadow traveled us on to his bed, I was about to tell him off for using his powers then he kissed me," I don't care if I'm not supposed to be using underworld magic." He leaned right back into the kiss 


Over the next two weeks a lot happened, we fully planned out a new design for the Hades cabin, we had our first few meetings with Mr D and I had a nightmare.

Self harm

I was standing in the bathroom looking at me reflection in cabin 7, Lee had just died in the battle of the labyrinth, the first person I came out to as bi, the brother I lend on so heavily had just died. I pulled out a shaving razor and cracked it open on the side of the sink. I pulled out the metal the dragged it horizontally across my left wrist, the blood trickled down my wrist . At that moment the door opened behind me, Michael stud in the doorway, that night he hugged me so tightly me it felt like my bones where going to break. 

End of self harm 

That night I woke up crying but yet again Nico was there to hug and comfort me until I drifted back into sleep.

I recounted me dream for Mr D the next day, he said it was normal for my subconscious to rep

lay these memories.

A/N sorry this is short I spent most of yesterday in hospital cos I passed out in school 

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