Chapter 9

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Nico pov 

When I next awoke I was curled up on top of Will's chest, you could still see the tear tracks apone his cheeks, i smiled at how much calmer he looked now , it wasn't the kind of calm he put on for other people, it looked like he was truly calm. 

Then I remembered today was the day, the day I was going to ask Mr D for help, I was sacred yet exited.

At that moment will yawned and sat up, pulling me up with him," hello darling."his texan accent shined through with his tiredness.

I felt heat rush to my face.

" Love your blushing."

" perché sei così sexy."

" Neeks you know I can't understand Italian."

I said that in Italian oh well. I looked up at him, he was as red as a tomato.

" What?" I said confused as to why he was so red 

" What, what?" 

" Your red like tomato red." 

" Well...."

"Wait you like I when I speak Italian?"

" Ummmm...." 

"sei così carino quando sei agitato," saying this only made him more flustered 

"Neeks!" he exclemed now scarlett 

"ti amo," he didn't realise what I said, and I left my mouth before I could think about saying it.

" Stop," he mumbled as he buried his head in into my shoulder 

"sei così carino."

" Stop, please," he said now the same colour of pomegranate seeds.

" Ok, but it's extremely cute when you're flustered 

" Says you." 

"Says me what."

" Your as gity of it as me."

" What!"

" Being overly cute when you're flustered."

" I. am. not. cute."  How could he think I was cute, I'm the ghost king I'm terrifying 

" Aww so cute."

" I'm not cute." 

" Your are, especially when you annoyed angry."

" Why per say am I cute solace?"

" You make a cute face."

"Do not."

" You do." 

" I. Am. Not. Cute." 

" Yes. You. Are." He said bopping my nose after every word," we probably need to get dressed it all ready 8:30." 

" Ok," I said as he unraped his arms from around me.

I stud up, grabbed a change of clothes and walked in to the bathroom. When I walked out, I saw that will was wearing a stupid orange camp tee shirt and shorts he pulled on a pair of flip flops. I walked over and pecked him on the cheek then pulled on a pair of trusty black converse, he opened the door and stepped out I followed him into the sunshine. 

Will pov 

Nico was being strangely affectionate. I didn't know why, was he worried about today, or worried about what he saw last night. I hope he wasn't worried about the scars, he had enough to worry about without my problems as well.As we walked into the dining pavilion Percy waved me and Nico over to the poseidon table, I wondered if we'd be allowed to sit there. Annabeth seemed to notice my thoughts," it'll be fine for you two to sit here." 

It was nice to talk to the again, me and Annabeth had become good friends when Percy was missing. During our conversation Nico reached for my hand under the table, Percy seemed to notice this movement and looked in between the two of us," you two have been spending a lot of time together recently."

 Nico squeezed my hand slightly when he said this," well I'm his doctor and I have to make sure he's getting better."

"Ok," he said skeptically 

Annabeth thankfully chose that moment to change the subject, something about helping Jason build the new temples for me rome, but I wasn't really listening. I was mainly making sure Nico was ok and not too uncomfortable.

A/N I will be taking a bit of a break because I have exams coming up soon unfortunately also ive put all the translation of Italian in the comments sorry if I got the them wrong 

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