Chapter 2

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Nico pov 

I woke up screaming breath carm down and breath a that moment Will ran into the 'room' it was actually an area divided by curtains," Nico are you ok why where you screaming."

 " I'm fine it was just a nightmare," in actual fact I wasn't fine but I didn't want Will to know that I had dreamt of Tartarus those days alone in hell. 

Will walked over and sat in the chair beside me," do you want to talk about it ?" He asked.

" No," I replied flatly. 

" Ok but I'm staying here." 

" You don't have to I'm fine."

 "Clearly your not." 

"Yes I am!" I almost shouted. 

"Mk you go to sleep," he said slightly tiredly, I fell asleep almost immediately.

 When I woke up my hand was in his I blushed no no no. No more falling for straight boys, was he straight? Don't think that he probably is but what if he isn't, shut up Nico shut up. At that moment  he woke up, when he saw our hands he went red,as he yanked his hand away he mumbled some thing about breakfast aka the worst meal of the day like who eats breakfast

Will pov 

I know I like him but what did he think about me holding his hand. What does he want for breakfast pancakes yes everyone loves pancakes. I grabbed two plates of pancakes then walked back to the infirmary 

 By the time I sat down next to him he had fallen asleep again, I gently shook him a wake he grumbled but sat up," Here's your breakfast," I said calmly.

 A few seconds after he dug-in he said," Don't you have other patients to look after."

 " Not right now most are still asleep." 

" So are you just going to watch me eat or also eat yourself," his voice had a slight Italian accent it was cute.

" I'm going to eat, then you need to have a check up." He stared to protest but I cut him off, " Your having a check up whether you like it or not ."

 At that he groned, " Why!"

 He said it more like a statement than a question but I decided to answer it anyways," Because you need to be save." 

"Ok I got it," at that he put his hands up. 

After he had eaten, I got Nico to sit up and started the normal checkup routine it was when he asked Nico to take his shirt off that there was a problem," need to check your back and chest for ingrees." 

" Not taking it of nope."  

"Nico just take your shirt off." 


" Yes ." 

" No." 

"Oh my gods your so difficult just take it off."

 " Fine ok fine," he took his shirt of," you happy now." 

I didn't reply as I had just spotted a set of scratches on his chest," Nico when we're going to tell me about these." 

" About what," I gesture to his chest ," oh those  eh there fine Rayner stitched them up for me ."

 " Nico ."

 "Yes ?" 

"There infected like they are green ."

 " Are they?" He asked in a meek voice 

"You don't seem to bothered about that," I was really worried about him he didn't even realise that he had infected cuts,"what where they from?" he mumbled in reply "NICO! what are they from. "       

 " Werewolves ." 

" And you didn't tell me."

 " I thought they were fine ," he mumbled in a small voice. I went to get the stuff to sort them out he really is supped, and hot, yeah don't think that Will. It's a bad idea falling for straight boys.

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