Chapter 3

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Nico pov

Jason came to visit me later in that day he said that in a few days he and piper where going to try and find Leo so he wouldn't be staying for the year. After that a few of the others visited the most rememberable being Percy and Annabeth as one of the first things he said is "so who is your type because apparently it's not me."

 " Yeah I'm not telling you," but at that moment the sunny son of Apollo walked past, as I found out later from Annabeth I blushed so that explains why Percy raised his eyebrow at me as if to say mmm Shure.

Will brought me my dinner and eat by me making sure I had eaten everything on the plate, soon after I dozed off into a hope fully dreamless sleep, but of course I wasn't that lucky.

Will pov

It was about 3 am when I heard sobbing coming from Nico's room I walked in there he was sobbing and shaking. I tried to talk to him to see in that would calm him down it didn't so I eventually just pulled him into a hug after he calmed down I asked him if he wanted to talk about it he said no. I stud up to leave but he whispered for me to stay, so I climbed back in to the bed and enveloped him in another hug surprisingly he didn't stop me.

I woke the next day and undraped my arms from around the smaller boy I hadn't realised before how small and under weight he was so I ran out to get us breakfast I piled his plate with as much food at I could then ran back to the infirmary by the time I had got back to his room he was rubbing his eyes and yawning, gods his yawn was cute like a little kittens. I made sure he ate all of his breakfast, once he was done I left to check on the other patients the was a boy with a broken leg, Mellei and baby Chuck, they should be able to leave today and a girl who was in a coma. Whilst I was checking over the boy with a broken leg Nico walked up to me and said he was leaving,"no."

 "Why not?"

 "Because Nico I need to check on your cuts and all your other injuries."

 "Fine," he said rolling his eyes"I'll wait in my room."

Once I finished sorting out the other boy I walked into the backroom Nico was staying in, he was sat shirtless on the bed, you could see his ribs his skin taught against them his sharp collar bones beautiful and prominent. Note to self he's a pacent not your boyfriend you don't even know if he likes boys. When he noticed me starting at his shirtless body he blushed then I released I was blushing as well.

I walked over to him and checked over his cuts luckily they weren't infected, werewolf cuts can be nasty but his were healing up well. Then I did the general check up eg. Checking his pulse breathing and all those other things. After all that I said he could go, he ran out pulling on his shirt at the same time. 

Nico pov.

I ran straight to my cabin, I Have A Crush On Will! A CRUSH AN ACTUAL CRUSH, and to top it all of on a child of Apollo the sunny happy kids.(N/A yes I know there not actually). Stupid he's probably straight anyway. I walked over to my bed and pulled out a box, the contents of I promised myself I would never use again.


I sat down as, blood trickled for the horizontal slice in my arm, then with one quick movement I made another and another then another. I was so in the moment I didn't hear the cabin door open. Then next thing I knew there was a sound of someone dropping something from behind me then a warm hand teased the razor from my hand.

Will POV

I was tidying the back room when I noticed Nico's black jacket on the floor, in his rush to leave he forgot his jacket the idiot, I picked it up and walked out of the room. I walked across to his cabin and nocked on the door no answer I nocked one last time and walked in, what was the worst thing he could be doing changing.

What I saw was a lot worse that him changing the was a razor blade in his hand blood dripping from his arm, I dropped his jacket ran over and teased the blade out of his hand then placed my thumb on his veins just below the last insistion. 


Once most the bleeding had stopped I scooped him up, Gods he was light, and carried him in to the bathroom set him down on the counter and pulled the necessary things form the cabinet above the sink. I raped his wounds all the time he was silent that was worrying.

" Nico," I asked cautiously.

 At that second he looked up at me his eyes slightly glazed over," yeah?" he asked.

 "Why did you do it."

 " Because I hate myself." That worried me slightly more,"Ok then why do you hate your self?"

 " Because..." The words court in his throat," because I'm Gay," he said abruptly like it was a deffcut thing, then looked down ashamed. 

"You shouldn't hate yourself for being gay I'm bi my self."

 " Well for you it's different you didn't have it ingrained it into you that being gay was a sin from a young age," at this I laughed, my mom was kicked out of a church because he son was gay." Why are you laughing," he said like he was slightly offended," My mom got kicked out of her church because I was gay." 



"Sorry," he mumbled slightly ashamed.

" It fine," I laughed, it was the only thing I could do to stop myself from bursting into tears.

After a dinner I walked him back to his cabin but as I turned to leave, he grabbed my arm and said that he wanted me to stay. I walked through the door and started to walk over to the other bed but he stopped my and pointed to his bed as if to say he wanted me to sleep by him.

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