Chapter 7

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Nico pov

I have no clue why I just agreed to that but the words came tumbling out of my mouth before I could stop them. We decided to wait till tomorrow to go and ask, Will at first said we should go today, but I argued that I would need a bit of time to process and plan on what I was going to say. I wasn't sure if he would say yes, he did take the time out of his day to actually learn my name, and there where other small thing he did that made me think he liked me more than the other campers but that didn't necessarily mean he would say yes.

Back to what's currently happening, I was sat in my cabin chatting to Will and trying to decide how to redecorate it. Because I'm not a vampire hence the fact that I don't need coffin beds.

" I still think it should be relatively dark but with other colours like gold and purple mixed in with the black," Will suggested," maybe gold skulls decorating the walls and paint the base boards plum?"

 I nodded," I like that idea but with a bit of silver thrown in as well." We where trying to come up with a colour palette, embracing that Hades was not only the god of the underworld but also riches, a thing he was less known for.

" For the wood I was thinking mahogany," the golden haired boy laying next to me said," you also don't  need anywhere near this many beds, I'd say four 4-poster queens, then you'd have room for a longe."

" Four?" I questioned," there's only me and hazel in the Hades cabin and she spends most of he time at camp Jupiter."

" Well I was thinking there's always a chance you'll get more siblings and it would be a shame if they had to redecorate the moment they moved in." 

"You really think I'll get more siblings any time soon," I laughed incredulously.

" I would if I was redecorating my cabin."

" Yes and your dad hits up hot men and women left right and centre," I had recently learned, from Kayla, that Apollo could have children with men and women," Hades is at least sort of loyal to his wife."

" For your information Apollo has no wife."

" My point still stands, Hades doesn't go hitting people up every night." 

" Nether does Apollo."

" Sure, keep telling your self that sunshine." 

He glared at me about to make a retort when the horn for dinner sounded 

Will pov ( tw: eating disorder mentioned)

I was so happy Nico agreed to talk to Mr D for help and I was not at all surprised when he said he wanted to wait till tomorrow to ask. One. We reached the dining pavilion with our hands intertwined we headed for the Apollo cabin table, at this point it had become normal for us to eat together in the infirmary, once we sat down Mr D eyed us suspiciously but said nothing about him sitting at our table. I Looked over the room, it had been a lot quieter since the Romans had left the day before. Percy and Annabeth were sat together at the Poseidon table, Mr D and Chiron had oveusly turned a blind eye to them as well.

 I look over to my death boy," darlin' you need to try to eat a bit more," he had a pomegranate, a bunch of grapes and a bit of flat bread on his plate.

" I really am trying, it's just really hard, it's like I have no appetite," He said in a mumbled whisper, whilst picking at his food

Then it hit me he might have an eating disorder, I put it at the back of my mind for now, probably not the best thing to bring up when he's trying his best to eat what is probably the biggest meal it ever seen him attempt to eat how had I not noticed this sooner. I'm his doctor for god's sake.

A/N sorry for how long it's been since I last posted I got my table taken off me and was on a scout camp I just tipped this up out of a book I had written it in.

 Did you know the word for hippopotamus in greek also translates to water horse 


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