Chapter 12

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Nico pov 

Will and I just came out of a meeting with Mr d, he was in tears because of the dream he had just recounted, I quickly shadow traveled to my cabin. We landed on my bed where I flipped over to hug him as he snuggled his head into my chest.

When he calmed down he looked up to me, and gave me a small peck on the lips," how has this situation become you comforting me? A few weeks ago it was the complete opposite, oh how the tables turn." 

I let out a small chuckle," oh how the tables turn indeed." 

"I feel really bad about it."

I looked down to meet his eyes " Will, isn't it you that told me to be open about my feelings, at least you aren't bottling up all your feelings."

He glanced up to me and kissed me again. This time it was long and drawn out so much so that it made me feel fussy on the inside. 

When he pulled away he flipped over and grabbed the sketch book we had been drawing designs for the Hades cabin in. Four 4-poster beds, a small bookshelf, a small table with some comfortable chairs around it and a spiral staircase that goes up to a small flat area on the roof.

"When do you want to start the makeover?" 

" As soon as we possibly can, this place is hideous," When I said this I wasn't lying, l don't like coffin beds. I am not a vampire.

" Now?" 

"Sure," I was surprised at his eagerness but then again he probably wanted to distract himself.

"Ok I'll go get Clarisse."

Once she had removed all of the furniture Will grabbed the paint for the walls, whilst I grabbed the paint for the ceiling. I first painted a layer of jet black, then started on the gold and silver rift across the center, I was hard to get it just right but over the last week I have learnt that I am good at art.

When I had finished, I looked around the room and the walls had gone from black to a rich golden cream, the base boards had been pulled up soon to be replaced with black mahogany ones. If your wondering where I got all the materials from, no I didn't steal them, it's just very convenient that I have the god of riches as my father.

The horn for dinner soon sounded, Will seemed a lot happier than before he was complaining my artistic ability, although I wasn't that good, he should see some of the paintings back in Italy.

We sat down at the Apollo table, as we did Kayla asked how our day had been, I had become closer to Wills siblings over the past weeks. After we reassured her that we were fine she told us that there were still no signs of Apollo who had been missing since the giant war.

As we were getting towards the end of our meal a scroll appeared in front of me.

" Are you going to open it?" 

" Yes Austin," I replied. What did he think I was going to do ignore it.

Once I had rolled it flat out on the table a hologram of a boy I never thought I would see again appeared,"I'm safe and I'm on my way back with calypso.

I just sat there in shock, Leo Valdez was alive, I felt him die. How did this happen? How did he escape death?

Kayla just turned to me and said," So your staying with us tonight."

"Yep, will be until the renovations finish."

A/N I've been in Scotland with no electricity for most of this week (on a scout camp)so sorry for the late update.

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