Chapter Twenty-Six: Settling the Score

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The little blonde-haired fellow led the group by no more than 2 meters though he constantly stole looks behind him to ensure his companions still trailed. A dreadful fear took root of him at the mention of prison or orphanages.

Courfeyrac and Sybill walked abreast of each other, neither knowing who should speak first. The weight of Courfeyrac's lie stood between them though Sybill knew Courfeyrac knew nothing of her renewed involvement with Enjolras. For his part, Courfeyrac feared Sybill may end their friendship over such a brazen, most improper lie on her behalf. Though surely she must realize it was for her and Gavroche? Surely she knew it was not selfish? However...

"Mademoiselle," Courfeyrac finally tested. "I confess I am sorry for the lie of our engagement. I worried—"

"Do not apologize, Courfeyrac," Sybill interrupted. "No, no do not trouble yourself so, monsieur. The lie protected that little chap today and saved him for tomorrow."

Courfeyrac sighed. "God willing," he shook his head. "I did all I could think to do."

"And I do think it worked," Sybill confessed. "The daring inspector seems to believe us...engaged," she said, trying the last word on her tongue.

"I do not wish to burden you," Courfeyrac began, "But... But we should post an announcement to the paper. It is what... intended couples do."

Sybill nodded, "That is well."

"You needn't worry, Mademoiselle," Courfeyrac said. "I understand this is not a promise. We are playing roles."

"Yes," Sybill agreed. "Yes, I trust you, monsieur." She took a breath. "I suppose... I suppose we should be seen together with growing frequency in public." Courfeyrac gave her a curious look. "To maintain the ruse should the inspector question others."

Courfeyrac nodded. "That is very well," he acknowledged. "For a moment you had me frightened, Mademoiselle."


"I thought you were proposing we spend time together just because you enjoy my charming company," he teased. "I am thankful to hear it is only to continue a deceit for the strictest of law enforcers."

Sybill chuckled, despite the situation. "Of course, monsieur. I would never dream form an attachment to you. If it were left to me, we should never speak from henceforth."

"Thank heavens," Courfeyrac gave a false sigh in mockery. "That sentiment is well reciprocated."

Rolling her eyes, Sybill smiled at Courfeyrac. "I have missed you, friend."

Courfeyrac returned the smile, though he was not sure if friend was the term he felt.


The moonlight off the fountain took on a beautiful gleam only exemplified by the lampposts that illuminated the street. Snow had fallen throughout the day and lay in massive heaps with ice overpowering the crevices in the cobblestones making traversing the streets a dangerous endeavor.

Sybill Fauchelevent's eyes glistened as she took in the sight of Julian Enjolras pacing along the edge of the fountain, waiting for her. The god Apollo calling to his Aphrodite. She smiled at the image and walked on towards her love.

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