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Gio lights the blunt and takes the first hit before passing it to me, we talk a little bit. About school and stuff and some how the topic gets to my love life. And I feel completely vulnerable, especially with how gio is gently gripping my thigh, making me feel things.

we're somehow so close that everytime she talks I can feel her breath on me.

luckily the topic changes before I can tell her about being a virgin until last night.

"What If I need you to make me some weed?" She says talking about me studying biology.

I laugh. "gio, I don't think I can do that." I look at her glossy eyes that are looking at the waves.

She laughs too, "just checking." she turns to look at me and we make eye contact as she blows the smoke away from my face.

I lean in slightly, then she meets me half way and kisses me. I kiss back slowly as I smile into the kiss.

Gio takes the hand that was on my thigh and puts a grip on my waist as I lift up putting my knees on the seat as the kiss deepens.

I can feel a wetness down there but I ignore it. I can't already have two bodies. I gotta slow down.

gio makes me feel different than kehlani makes me feel. It feels euphoric when I kiss her. And when she touches me it feels unexplainable. I wish she could touch me in other places right now.

gios grillz bump my teeth before she sticks her tongue into my mouth, I suck it before the kiss gets more intimate. I rest my hands on her lap before she pulls away with our lips just inches away from eachother.

"get on my lap." She says and I listen.

I slide onto her lap and she holds my waist before looking me up and down and biting her lip, she looks back up at me with her glossy eyes before grabbing my neck.

"good girl." Her warm breath runs across my lips before she pecks my lips as we start to make out again.

all you can hear is Thirsty by partynextdoor in the back, our breathing and the sound of our kisses.

she kisses my jawline before kissing my neck and sucking the skin gently then kissing back up to my lips and we make out again.

I sit down all the way on her lap instead of hovering and I feel my spot touch her thigh.

she smirks at me as she grips my waist harder. "fuck, Mariah you don't know what you're doing to me." She whispers softly in my ear, kissing it, then my neck going over the part she sucked and to my shoulder.

next thing I know her hot breath is on my shoulder and she's biting gently, making me whine lowly, although instead of hurting it felt good.

she kisses the skin she bit. "did that hurt baby?" She says looking into my eyes frowning slightly.

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