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Mariah Buckles

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Mariah Buckles

1 year and some change later.

Me and gio sit on the couch as we watch BMF letting our cat, ivy, lay in between us.

I smile, stroking ivy's grey, striped fur.

gio looks over to me, staring for a minute. "Should we go visit our families?" she asks.

I nod, "well of course," I say.

We've litterally met so many people that we have new family fr, we're very close with most of them.

she smiles, "aight, we leave tomorrow?"

I hum, "sounds good, beautiful."

she kisses me, causing me to smile as I hold ivy up to my shoulder.

we also have next door neighbors around our age, we're close with them though.

I sit ivy close to me as I grab her travel bag. I sit her down and let her roam around as I grab my necessities since I already have clothes back in Cali.

Gio comes down stairs fully dressed with the car keys in her hand.

"I got ivy ma, you mind starting the car?" she says, tossing me the keys.

"I'll be waiting!" I laugh, going and starting the car.

Gio comes and puts ivy in the car inside the travel bag with all of ivy's things.

"why are you still in the front seat? Yk I'm driving." She laughs, opening the driver door.

"But I know where the airport is," I say, pouting slightly.

she shakes her head, "slide over baby."

I sigh, going over the middle console and sitting In the passenger seat as gio gets in the drivers seat.


She makes hella wrong turns and we pull up to a runway, this is not an airport.

"Mariah, don't kill me. But I bought a private jet." she says, smiling as it pulls onto the runway.

Giovanna knows I don't like her making big purchases, but this is lowkey useful, especially cause we're gonna start traveling even more.

I laugh, "gio, do not smile. I can't even be mad at you right now!"

she laughs, "cmon."


I doze off, holding ivy in my arms as I lay across the beige seats, watching Jason's lyric on the screen.


We arrive back in Atlanta and we immediately go to my old place.

We walk in to find Jude, Ryan, and Brittany tending to my plants as they listen to sade.

They immediately turn around, joy lights up their faces as they come over to us, almost taking us both to the ground.

"MARIAHHHHHHHH!" Jude yells, squeezing me. "Omg is that your cat?" She asks, looking at the bag that holds ivy.

I nod, "yea, her names ivy!" I say as I hug and greet Ryan and Brittany.


We all catch up, then gio leaves so that she can go see her friends, and get some more clothes although we bought lots in Brazil.

"sooo, tell us the real shit now!" Jude says, playing with ivy.

I laugh, "so, we've definitely gotten better with the relationship, and trust and stuff. And we even met new people and became close with almost everyone." I say.

Ryan gasps, "so what I'm hearing is you are replacing us!?" she jokes

I laugh, "nooo- y'all are irreplaceable."

"period!" Jude says, motioning her hand across her neck.

Brittany laughs, "is there better weed in Brazil?"

I laugh, "I don't know, I've been sober."

All of them collectively act surprised.


The girls start to leave and gio comes back, once the girls finally actually leave. Gio wastes no time pushing me against the nearest wall.

she roughly presses her lips to mine and I kiss her back.

It's almost like we're fighting with passionate, slow kisses.

Her hands go to my waistband as she pulls my baggy pants down to my thighs, letting them drop before doing the same to my panties, leaving my bottom half bare.

I know that I'm wet for her because I can feel it, and she can too as she begins to rub circles onto my clit, stimulating me.

soft moans fall from my lips as she continues, also leaving dark hickeys on my neck.

she lifts my shirt up, "take it off mami." she says.

I carefully take my shirt off as she kneels down, holding my hip with her free hand as her finger moves down to my wet entrance.

My legs tremble as she strokes her finger inside of me, going in and out curling her finger as she adds another one.

I moan as I reach down to hold her shoulders for stability.

unexpectedly, she lifts my leg over her shoulder and starts to press warm kisses to my aching bud, causing me to moan.

I grab the back of her head and she goes in, sucking my clit gently as she flicks my bud with her tongue. I moan loudly as I tangle my fingers in her curls.

"you sound so good mariah." she murmurs against my clit.

I whimper as she goes faster, I tighten around her fingers as my orgasm washes over me. I moan as warmth spills out of my hole and gio licks it all up.

She cleans the cum off with her tongue before coming back up.

I kiss her passionately again and she kisses back, letting me taste myself in her lips.


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