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Me and Mariah lay in my bed in my loft, she said she liked how I decorated and it meant alot to me.

Now we're watching "The Game." Which she says is her favorite show right now.

We've already showered, we showered together and we were comfortable, like we've done it plenty of times before.

Mariah is laying on my chest with one leg over my waist and an one arm across my chest as her head rests in the crook of my neck.

"Derwin is kinda-.." Mariah says cutting off her sentence when I tilt my head.

"Derwin is kinda what?" I laugh waiting on her to finish her sentence.

Mariah giggles against my skin giving me goosebumps. She kisses my neck.

"he's kinda athletic." She replies as she kisses me everywhere from my forehead to my collarbone which is exposed from my black tank top.

I laugh before grabbing her face and pecking her lips repeatedly until she slides on top of me.

Our lips meet and we start to kiss as I grab her waist, pressing her into me as she moans into my mouth.

The kiss deepens as she slides her tongue in between my lips and our tongues twist around eachother, making our kiss turns sloppy.

"gio, im ready." Mariah says to me softly as we kiss.

I flip her over to where her back is on the bed and I'm in between her legs.

"have you ever done this before?" I ask her, hoping for complete honesty.

she nods. "once." she awnsers me honestly without hesitation.

"okay, let me know how it feels." I say making sure she feels comfortable before I continue.

"Okay." She nods as she smiles at me, looking into my eyes. I swear those dimples are my weakness.

I give her a soft gentle peck on the lips before kissing over the previous hickeys I've left on her neck.

I lift the oversized t shirt up that I gave her, pulling it over her head with her help. I admire her glowy skin and every curve of her body. Then I start kissing her boob before sucking gently but enough to leave a hickey.


Gio leaves a hickey on my boob causing me to subconsciously moan.

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