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(this part lowkey kinda like a special cause I know a lot of people wanted gio to have a coochie,)

(this part lowkey kinda like a special cause I know a lot of people wanted gio to have a coochie,)

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I giggle softly as Gio sits in front of me, kissing my feet.

"Gio, that tickles!" I say as I move my legs, although she's in between them.

She hums, laying her head down on my waist as she kisses my thigh, gently sucking on it with her warm lips as I play with her hair.

I bite the moans back.

She then kisses the wet spot on my red panties, looking up into my eyes.

I think she notices my desperation.

"You want me so baddd!" Is all she manages to say as she laughs.

I roll my eyes, "Gio please,"

She sits up all the way, smiling as she presses her lips against mine.

We start to kiss slowly and intimately as she grabs my neck.

Her hands go to my red, lacy panties. "Take these off." She mumbles into the kiss.

I lift my hips slightly and slide my underwear down my legs, kicking them somewhere else.

"Good girl," she says.

Her soft fingers go down to my clit, gently rubbing my bud.

I moan softly into her ear as she kisses my neck.

She fastens her pace and pushes her finger inside of me before adding a second one not too long after.

The stimulation feels so good.

Her fingers thrust in and out as she moves her fingers around in my hole.

My hips buck up at the feeling of her thumb rubbing my bud whilst her two fingers move inside of me.

"That feel good?" She asks.

I nod, "Yes, fuck." I moan.

I reach the peak of my mountain, slowly coming down on gios fingers.

I squirt too, and she quickly latches on to my clit, drinking it.

"Gio, that felt amazing," I say, as I watch her lick her fingers clean.

She smirks, "And you taste amazing," she says, taking her boxers off.

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