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We finish our food and gio pays, then we leave. She says it's a suprise where we're going next so I wait patiently in the passenger seat.

gio gently rubs my thigh as she drives. Everything she does is attractive and for some reason it all turns me on. But I feel like I should get the girls advice first.

I smile as she slows down, turning into a parking lot. The building in front is tall, I couldn't read the logo before we turned in so I'm still a bit clueless.

me and gio make eye contact and she puckers her lips for a kiss, so I lean in and give her a small peck.

she wraps her hand around my neck and gently pulls me into a deeper kiss. I kiss back bringing my hand to gios thigh. gio adds her tongue into the kiss and I feel her tongue piercing, idk how I didn't notice it at first.

The kiss turns sloppy as gio spits in my mouth.

we pull away and gio laughs catching her breath.

I do the same before gio looks over to me.

"my bad baby I got carried away.." gio says locking eyes with me and licking her lips.

I bite my lip as I look at her eyes then her lips. "you're good, i did too." I give her a small peck before chuckling softly.

"you ready to go in?" she asks smiling.

"mhm." I reply.

gio gets out of the car and starts to fix her clothes, then she closes the driver door before coming to the passenger side and opening my door then grabbing my hand and helping me step out of the car.

gio closes the door behind me before embracing me, sliding her arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around her neck as we look each other in the eyes.

we kiss eachother briefly before the hug turns into a side one. We walk side by side in a comfortable silence. 

Then we get to the door and gio opens it for me and I walk in, we're in a lobby so I look around to read where we are.

I see a door that says "ART" and I smile, how does this girl know exactly what I like.

gio leads me into the room with the art and I smile as I look around.

"this is so beautiful," I say looking around the dim room filled with art.

"yeah?" gio smiles as she looks at me.

I smile and I walk over to one that really caught my eye. It reminds me of me.

In the painting there's a girl who favors me, on a beach, staring into the waves while holding a blunt in one of her hands. Her dark, shoulder length, curls are picked up by the wind as she stares into the darkness, like she's looking for something. She has on a bathing suit that looks like the one I had on the night I met gio. her body is shaped like mine, and she has a Muse tattoo on her lower back.

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