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(But um anyway guys, can you see my growth in writing like from the first part to the last? Cause I can.


Last night, I did what needed to be done. No one should ever put their hands on my wife, I don't care what the reason is.

Seeing that bruise on her arm ticked me off, and the way that she was hurt by it too.

I never want Mariah to feel like she has to fight. And with all the stuff Kehlani has put my wife through, she deserved it.

Mariah's phone has been blowing up while she's been sleeping, and I'm guessing it's about Kehlani, so now I gotta act clueless.

Her eyes flutter open, and she groans softly. "Good morning honey." She kisses my neck.

I smile, "Good Morning."

I kiss her lips, and she kisses me back.

It gets intimate as she slides on top of me, pressing her palms to my shoulders.

I moan into the kiss, but it's interrupted by loud knocks.

"Were you expecting someone?" She asks, smiling as she kisses me.

I shake my head, pulling her back down and kissing her.

She giggles, "Stopp, the knocks sound serious."

She slides off of me, rolls out of the bed,
and looks out of the bedroom window.

"Honey," she says, quickly closing the dark curtains.

I raise my eyebrows, standing up. Mariah looks startled.

"what's up," I ask.

She looks up at me, "There's like, 3 police cars parked outside. Tell me what you did last night."

I get close to Mariah, wrapping my arms around her waist as I whisper into her ear.

"I killed her," I confess.

And I can tell Mariah's heart sinks, but she manages to keep her composure.

She hums, "You go open the door, and let them question us, we don't know anything. Then, once I tap your back, we wrap it up, okay?"

I nod, doing as she said. I rush to open the front door.

Two police officers stand there, tall and with pride.

"How can I help you?" I ask.

"Is this the residence of Mariah and Giovanna Ramos?" The male officer asks.

I nod, "I'm Giovanna Ramos."

"We have some questions for you, mind if we come inside." The female officer asks.

I shrug, stepping out of the doorway.

"Is this about Mariah's arrest last night?" I ask, closing the door behind them as we get seated in the living room.

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