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I wake up to my phone dinging, I slowly unwrap my arms from around Mariah being careful not to wake her before grabbing my phone and checking it.

It's a couple missed calls from some clients, so I pick up my other phone, my personal one with the number I gave Mariah. The time reads "11:05AM" damn what time we went to sleep?

"good morning," Mariah says softly since she just woke up.

I still can't believe all this happened so fast, i said I was gonna meet her though.

I kiss her ear. "good morning beautiful."

she smiles before turning around and wrapping her arms around me, her eyes slightly open.

I chuckle softly, I kinda feel bad that I gotta go but I got hella things to do today.

"mariah," I say smiling.

"yes?" She finally sits up and looks me in the face.

"I gotta go baby." I explain slightly frowning.

mariah nods, "okay, I'll walk you to the door."
she sighs softly and slides out of the bed and I do the same, grabbing my stuff.

as Mariah walks out of the room I follow behind her and when she stops at the door I turn her around and hug her.

"I'll call you when I get home, can I see you later?" I tell her before I ask.

she looks up at me as she wraps her arms around my neck so I put my phones down before sliding my hands under her thigh and picking her up.

"yes, you can." She says before we kiss.

She looks at me with a soft but sultry look in her eyes, tempting me. But I can't right now, especially knowing that we can get attached too fast.

I smile before kissing her lips softly again.

"alright, get down baby." I laugh knowing she doesn't want me to leave.

"you'll be back?" She asks getting down.

I nod before rubbing her back. "yeah, pinky promise." I say sticking my pinky out.

she wraps her pinky around mine, smiling as we let go and she opens the door letting me out. I walk outside the door, but I turn around one more time to kiss her lips.

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