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Yesterday was...catastrophic.

I kinda broke down but it was only because gio triggered me.

I was hurt, like any other person who has been cheated on over and over—I think most people leave. BUT, that's not the point, the point is, I was fed up.

And as much as I love gio I didn't give a fuck if it would've ended right there.

And I still need another phone, the fuck is up with her and breaking them?? Is she cool?


Now, we're talking about it again.

"Okay gio, just go get me a new phone so I can leave you and go back to Atlanta," I say, smacking my lips as we sit on the balcony in our bathing suits.

Our plans are always being ruined by some dumb shit.

she leans back on the lounge chair, "Why the fuck would I let you do that?"

My leg starts to shake, I'm getting so pissed off with her.

"Because I'm grown and I want to," I say.

She laughs, "come here," she says.

I roll my eyes as I stand up and walk over to her.

She looks up into my eyes as she stays sitting down.

"Mariah, you're my wife, and I'm yours, we have to stick together and be a team, you been upset about that shit that happened years ago. That's the past ma, I'm all yours." She explains to me.

"And I'm all yours, I'm sorry for how I acted," I say, playing with her curls as her head lays on my stomach.

She hums, kissing my bare stomach. "Go finish getting ready so we can go."

I comply, going back inside and going to the bathroom.

I start to do my hair, putting it in a cute back bun with a flower clip.

Then, I slip on my cute, long flowy skirt over my matching bathing suit bottoms.

As soon as I start to apply my lip combo, gio comes in.

She stands behind me as we both look into the mirror.

"What?" I ask, laughing as I put the rest of my makeup into my pouch.

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