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"I just got back with my ex, bitch she said she sorry!"


All jokes aside, yea I did forgive her. Especially cause I cheated back so I feel better. And she showed up at my door like a lost puppy, what tf else was I supposed to do?

Since I woke up earlier than her, I go to the kitchen and start to make us some tea.

I hear gio moving around, so I go ahead and pour her tea before adding honey and the things I know she likes in it.

since she takes a long time, I sit at the island, going on my phone.

She comes out of my room with her phone and keys but she doesn't look happy. she frowns at me. I turn back around, going back on my phone and ignoring her cause I know it's something bad.

"when we're you gonna tell me?" she asks, causing me to ignore her.

Does she know about what I did with kehlani, it was a fucking mistake and it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for her cheating on me first.

"Mariah don't act like you can't hear me," she says.

I shake my head, still looking at my phone. "I can definitely hear you, just not responding to that stupid ass question." I say, feeling bold ashit, especially since I know what gio will do to me.

she quickly snatches my phone from my hands, throwing it on the floor hard as the loud sound ricochets off the four walls of the kitchen.

I stand up, pushing her as I examine my shattered phone screen on the floor, the whole screen is damn near falling off.

"Do I have your attention now?" she asks, picking my head up in her hands.

I shake my head as tears form in my eyes and I pout, "Giovanna—are you fucking crazy?" I ask as my voice cracks.

"Baby, I'm sorry you just weren't listening to me." she says, embracing me with love and care.

I wrap my arms around her waist, "look at wtf you did to my phone."

"Mariah, I could buy you 100 more, don't worry about it." she expresses, kissing my head.

I hold her tighter, "it's the principal though, why would you break my phone just to get a point across."

"I'm sorry Mariah, you just triggered something in me." she explains, pulling away from me as she looks me in the eyes.

shortly after our daze, we both lean in and start to kiss. As our lips lock intensively, gio slides her hands down the back of my thighs, lifting me up and letting me wrap my legs around her waist.

our bodies press up against each others, while she walks us back into the bedroom, then she lays me across the bed. The kiss turns more deep and passionate as she grips my waist, causing my back to unconsciously arch off of the bed.

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