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-Lowkey on some narration type shit..-

Mariah and Gio continue facing the complexities of trust, forgiveness, and rebuilding their relationship on a foundation of honesty.

Together, they embark on a journey of healing and growth, learning to communicate openly, listen with empathy, and cultivate a deep sense of trust that transcends the shadows of the past.

Through their shared vulnerabilities and support for each other, Gio and Mariah found solace in the knowledge that their love can weather any storm.

Mariah finds herself being a housewife while gio is touching road.

But of course, she still occasionally hangs out with her girls.


I hold Gio and I's cat, Ivy, as I watch "a thin line between love and hate."

I cradle her close as I procrastinate about getting up.

My phone starts to ring, but it's on the nightstand.

I go ahead and throw my legs over the bed, grabbing my phone as I stand up.

The screen reads, "TAKE 4"

I smile as I click the green button.

"Wassup guys," I smile into the camera as I fix my hair.

Ryan smiles, "Hey pretty girl, you up for brunch today at noon?"

I nod, "Sure, damn it's 10:00. Ima call y'all back in a bit."

Jude nods, "aight, love you!"

"Love y'all!!" I say before quickly hanging up.

I call gio and she immediately answers, ever since our honeymoon, things have been going great.

"Hey honey, just letting you know I'm going to brunch with the girls at noon," I say.

She hums, smiling at me. "Aight, ima be home around 11, and back out by 11:30 so that's cool. I love you."

I smile, "Eyes on the road, drive safe, I love you more!"

"No—!" I cut her off by hanging up.


As I grab my matching purse and start to pack it on the dresser, gio walks into the bedroom

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As I grab my matching purse and start to pack it on the dresser, gio walks into the bedroom.

Surprisingly, I didn't hear her come in the door. But it is a big family house.

She comes up behind me and wraps her arms around me.

I push her, "You smell hun !"

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