Awhile of unexplained labs

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My freshman would always come home super tired every day after school. Her bed soon became her daily crash pad. I thought this was normal behavior as school can be mentally stressful. I thought a normal teen might nap for an hour and then be looking for an after school snack. As time went on, we would have labs after going to doctor appointments. They always looked wonky to me.. the numbers and it appeared to always have to do with blood cells. There was always something very high or low out of the normal range. The iron always very low and platelets very high. It seemed as though my kiddo always had something inflammatory going on. I feel like everyone medically just brushed me off every time I questioned the labs. This was about a 3/4 stint overall. In and out of urgent care and emergency rooms we went with stomach aches, headaches, lightheadedness and weird labs. For what seems like forever, it was chocked up to anxiety and having Autism. So many dismissals from school when my Bean just didn't feel right. We had never received answer about what was going on. My girl had bouts of low iron and hated taking the supplements. I remember she said it tasted like sucking on a penny. It was awful for sure. It seemed as though Bean's body needed so much more. These early days are the times I felt I wish I had some sense of medical direction. Instead, I was left with Mother's intuition and Google. I was determined at some point someone would listen. I shared across the board with our care team but I always felt like my concerns fell on deaf ears. Always leaving appointments with defeated thoughts. No one was able to see the pattern I saw. It seemed like forever my daughter was always sick with something. So many viruses are going around. Norovirus was really bad for her. Having Covid before that wasn't great either. I tried everything I could do as a mother, and so many times it just wasn't enough. My Bean hated school lunch and with the long lines; hot lunch gave you 5 minutes tops to eat. We decided a long time ago cold lunch was the way to go. I always packed nutrient rich raw fruits and vegetables and tried to sneak in some protein for my not so thrilled about meat teen. I am a fan of Anthony Williams Medical Medium. I do feel like we have the power of healing thru foods we eat. I feel as though we can undo some damage done by the food choices we eat. The less processed, the better. Again, I tried to do everything right and somehow still failed to keep my baby girl safe. So the story continues.

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