⁰⁰¹, bowie dixon.

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My momma died an entire year ago on this day

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My momma died an entire year ago on this day. Daddy ain't been the same since, he's always moody, tellin' me off and yellin'. I don't blame him. He's probably just real sad, like I was at first. He ain't too good at talkin' about his feelings, so he bottles 'em up 'til they eat him alive. That's what my Uncle Merle says, anyway. I been tryin' to get him to talk about her, like tellin' me stories an' stuff, but he just doesn't. I miss her, too, but I ain't ever gonna say it to my daddy, 'cause i'm scared he'll get mad at me or somethin' like that. I don't wanna upset him more than he already is.

My mom and dad never got married or anything. They were just friends, 'cause they met when they were kids. Momma said that my dad was crazy, an' he got angry at people. He ain't changed a lot since then. Anyway, my momma said she got bullied in school, an' when my daddy saw her gettin' beaten on by some kids in her grade, my daddy scared 'em all off. From that day, they were just best friends. Then, when they got older, the stork decided it was right to bring 'em a baby, even though they weren't datin'! Weird, if ya ask me. But hey, I don't know the laws of the storks n' stuff.

Momma got sick, an' I didn't see my daddy a lot when she was. I knew it was 'cause he didn't wanna see her all pale an' a little scary lookin'. I always felt bad for thinkin' she looked scary, but she did. Then, when she had to leave 'cause she just got too sick and tired, I had to go live with my daddy forever. I never even saw my daddy a lot, ever, so livin' with him and seein' him every day was just weird, 'specially 'cause I just wanted a momma hug.

When I started livin' with my daddy, that's when I really figured out how unusual I am. One of the most used sentences by my dad, my Uncle Merle, and my Granddad Will is 'there's somethin' seriously wrong with ya, Bowie Dixon.' It's used so much i'm startin' to think that there actually might be somethin' wrong with me. My momma used to say i'm just unique. I like to think i'm unique, not weird like everyone else calls me. Momma was unique, too.

"Girl, sit still." Daddy says to me from the front passenger seat of my Uncle Merle's truck. I ain't really movin' a lot, though.

"I'm bored." I say, throwing my head back with a loud huff, just to let him know how serious I am. I am so bored. We ain't moved from the highway we're on in hours and hours and hours.

"I'm Merle, nice to meet ya." My Uncle Merle says to me with a grin on his face. He's weird. He always makes jokes that I don't find funny none, but I gotta laugh, 'cause he'll make it again if I don't, an' sometimes it's pretty unbearable.

"I can't sit still no longer, daddy. I'm gonna explode my guts and my brains all over ya truck an' it ain't gonna be so pleasant." I say, making movements with my hands so he really knows I mean it.

Sometimes I forget to say stuff, like explain why we're in the car on the highway for so many hours. There's some disease on the news, makes dead people start walkin' around like it's some kinda weird horror movie. They're eatin' people, which is weird and scary all at once, 'cause I don't wanna be eaten none. Daddy just says I gotta stay close to him, 'cause if there's any of the weird dead alive people, he can kill 'em all before they kill me. I don't like that it happened on this day, though. Momma don't deserve it.

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