⁰⁰⁹, all by myself.

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I wake up in the cabin, my legs feelin' the falls from yesterday

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I wake up in the cabin, my legs feelin' the falls from yesterday. They were real painful, actually. I don't understand how they hurt more today than they did yesterday, but they do. They sting real bad, an' I know I need to stop bein' so clumsy, or I ain't gonna survive out here with jus' Sophia an' me, 'cause if I fall again, I might not be able to get up in time. It's scary, bein' in the middle of the woods. I just want my dad, even though I know my dad don't want me. I want my momma, even though I can't have her. I think i'm jus' real scared, that's why i'm wantin' so much stuff.

It's been an entire night, though, an' my dad is usually a real good tracker. I thought he'd have found us both by now, but i'm still laid here, an' I think Sophia is still sleepin'. Maybe he just don't wanna find us. Maybe the group have decided that it's easier with just one kid, or maybe they think we're dead even though we ain't or somethin' like that. It's jus' hard to believe that my daddy ain't found us yet, when I seen him find a deer in two minutes that I didn't even notice 'till it's dead on the ground. If he wants to find somethin', he'll find it. So, I don't think he wants to find me.

I sit up, my eyebrows instantly furrowin' when I realise that Sophia ain't even in the bed, and the cabinet is moved away from the door. I instantly get up, quickly shovin' my pillow an' Fawkes right back in my backpack, before checkin' all three rooms in the house. She ain't in there, so where has she gone?

"Sophia?" I call out, 'cause maybe she just went somewhere for the toilet, since the toilets in the houses don't work none. "Hey!"

I don't get no answer, so I quickly walk outta the cabin door. I ain't good at trackin' none, so I have no idea how to find out where she went, but i'm scared. I should'a stayed up to keep an eye on 'er, but now she's gone, an' I don't know where she is.

"Sophia!" I call out again. She don't reply. Again.

I can feel my breath gettin' caught up in my throat, 'cause I really don't wanna be alone. I don't want Sophia to be dead none, either. We were supposed to be helpin' each other, and now she's just gone. She didn't even wake me before tellin' me she was gonna leave. I should'a stayed awake, I really should'a stayed awake.

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