⁰⁰⁸, together like cavemen.

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We were in the RV for quite some time, and it never get less borin' no matter how much time went by

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We were in the RV for quite some time, and it never get less borin' no matter how much time went by. I wish I had my One Direction CD's with me, but the ones I had left, dad left in the car at the CDC, so those are probably destroyed by now, so Glenn an' I can never listen to One Direction together in our lives. I asked him if he wanted to acapella or somethin', but he said no, 'cause he can't sing none. I said it's fine 'cause neither could Louis in his X Factor audition an' he still got famous, but Glenn just laughed an' shook his head, so there ain't gonna be no acapella today, sadly.

Thankfully, but not really, the RV broke down a couple minutes ago, so now i'm rootin' through random cars on the highway we are stuck on. I found myself a bag of original flavoured lays chips, which is good 'cause I love chips. I stuck 'em in my backpack whilst I find other stuff. I found a cool t-shirt, too. It's yellow an' it has an orange rocket on it, which is real, real cool. I love it. An' i'm gonna wear it soon. I put that in my backpack, too, but I probably ain't go room for no more stuff, since my backpack is already extremely full, an' it's gettin' kinda heavy to carry.

"You haven't found anything cooler than what I found." Carl says. I turn around to see him stood there with a thing of weapons. I roll my eyes, 'cause I don't care about none.

"I don't care none." I say, continuing to look through the backpack I found. "Ya just wanna gloat, even though nobody cares."

"People do care. I bet my dad will care, or Shane. They'll think it's cool." He says. I scoff, 'cause I don't care what they think.

"Ya dad and Shane are stupid dummies." I say, stickin' my tongue out at 'im before walkin' away. I wanna find my dad, 'cause I don't care none for Carl.

When I find my dad, he's rummagin' through the cars in the same way I was doin' before, but nothin' he found was as interestin' as what I found. Maybe it's interestin' for him, but it ain't interestin' for me. He's got a container, like for water when you go campin'. I hate campin', but it's like we're on a permanent campin' trip. It ain't ideal, an' it ain't fun none, either, 'cause I ain't campin' with good people. I'm campin' with two cops, an' annoyin' boy, an' a whole lot of other people I don't even know — plus my grumpy old dad. Glenn's fine, though. I like campin' with Glenn. 

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