⁰⁰², bambi on ice.

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I'm feelin' better today 'cause it ain't my momma's day

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I'm feelin' better today 'cause it ain't my momma's day. I also got to know most of the people in camps names, which is good for me 'cause I don't gotta call Ed 'moon man' no more. His wife's called Carol, too, an' Carl's momma's called Lori, and his dad's called Shane. I think Shane's his dad, anyway. I don't know too much 'cause I ain't asked. I like the man on the RV, his name is Dale. I also like a guy named Jim 'cause he has jokes that are actually a bit funny, not like Uncle Merle's. I like his friend, Jacqui, too. She ain't done much, but I just like her. Not sure why, though. There's also two sisters, Amy an' Andrea. I wish I had a sibling.

I don't wish I have a brother none, though. I know how much my Uncle Merle annoys my dad, and I don't think I could deal with that. A sister could be good some, though. Someone to braid my hair and stuff. I figured out how to braid my own hair when I had to live with dad, 'cause he didn't know how to do it, an' momma couldn't do it anymore, obviously. It's still a little messy, but i'm almost to perfection. Plus, I don't care about neat stuff none.

Right now, i'm tryin' to find somethin' to do, 'cause there ain't much. Sophia an' Carl are playin' a game together, but I don't wanna ask to join in 'cause of yesterday when Carl rolled his eyes at me. Don't wanna pester my dad, either, 'cause he's about to go on a hunt and he don't like me goin' on hunts with him. He says I got too heavy steps, like a baby elephant an' I scare all the food away. So, I just sit by myself with Fawkes in my hands on my dad's chair in the front of the tent, lookin' at everyone.

"Ain't gonna go play or somethin'?" My Uncle Merle asks me as he stands outside of his tent, smokin' a cigarette.

"Don't got no one to play with, 'cause they think i'm weird." I say, huffin' even though I ain't supposed to.

"Ya are weird." Merle says. I know he don't mean good weird, so I don't reply to him. He ain't good weird. He's just weird. And he's bald, too, but I don't say that to him. Sayin' that to him would only make him hit me or somethin'.

"I'm bored is what I am." I sigh, "wish I bought my colours or somethin', 'cause now I ain't got nothin' to do at all."

"Go be a normal kid and play with rocks or some shit, go cut a hole in someone's tent." He suggests. I just furrow my eyebrows as I turn around to look at him. Why would I do that?

"That's just mean." I say, but he just laughs and shrugs.

"That's what i'd be doin' if I was seven and could get away with it." He replies.

"I ain't seven, i'm nine." I correct, "and cuttin' holes in people's tents ain't funny, 'cause they'll get all cold, and the dead people could eat 'em up if they can get in the tent."

"I'll make sure to cut one in your tent tonight while ya sleepin', so ya better sleep with one eye open, kid, or you'll get eaten up." He says, with a grin on his face. I know he's jokin', but I don't like that joke 'cause i'm already scared of gettin' eaten a lot.

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