⁰¹¹, death wish.

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Dad's gone out to look for Sophia

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Dad's gone out to look for Sophia. He didn't say much to me, he just told me that he was goin', then he left. He took a horse with 'im. I ain't upset that he's leavin' none. I'm glad he is, 'cause I was expectin' him to yell at me after last night. He hasn't yet, but I know it's comin'. It's always comin'. I'm kinda disappointed with myself for bein' so mean to him, even though I know he deserves it 'cause he's a real piece'a work. I don't like bein' mean, but he had to hear all the words I said an' I know it. Just hurts to know that I made him hurt, though. But he makes me hurt every day, so I shouldn't feel so bad about makin' him feel the same way. That's just silly. That's just showin' him that he can hurt me an' it's fine.

I'm sat on the grass, now, pickin' at random blades an' pullin' 'em out so I got heaps of grass on my legs, goin' all the way down my thighs an' my shins. Mostly all the men are out lookin' for Sophia. It's peaceful in the camp. It's basically just women, except Carl 'cause he can't go anywhere. He's still hurt, an' I don't think he's woken up none. He will eventually, though. Then i'm sure he'll be back to his annoyin', horrible self pretty soon. Even though I don't like 'im none, I hope they can find Sophia before he wakes up. That way he won't wake up an' be all sad. I think that's just me bein' selfish, though, 'cause I know that if Sophia ain't found before he wakes up, he's gonna be real mean to me.

I think he's gonna blame me. I blame me. I think Carol blames me, too, 'cause she don't speak to me none. I think everyone blames me. I don't wanna be blamed, but I know it's right. I know it's my fault. I shouldn't have let her leave. If I stayed awake, she would still be right here with us. Or maybe we wouldn't even be here, 'cause if Sophia was found when I was found, Carl wouldn't have been shot. Maybe that's my fault, too. I think it's all addin' up to be my fault. Oh, gosh. Is everythin' my fault?

"Hi, sweetie." Maggie says to me as she walks by. I just give her a little smile an' don't reply with words. "Everything okay?"

"Mhm." I reply, still lookin' at my legs with all the grass on 'em. I don't think Charlotte's playin' today. She ain't been by. I'm bored, but i'm used to havin' no friends an' stuff, so it's okay.

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