⁰⁰⁷, seeing ghosts.

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I had kinda a bad dream last night

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I had kinda a bad dream last night. I wouldn't say it was a nightmare or anythin', 'cause nightmares are supposed to be like, real, real, real scary. This one wasn't too scary, but it was still bad, so I think that classes as a bad dream, don't it? Anyways, momma was alive in this dream. That ain't the bad part, obviously. She was alive, an' my daddy was there, too. An' my uncle Merle. We had all been to a weddin'. I ain't sure who's weddin' it was, but it wasn't mine and Harry Styles weddin', cause the theme wasn't all pink an' purple. That's what colour I want my weddin'. Glenn wasn't there, either, so that ain't mine. Glenn's gonna be at mine.

Anyhow, everyone was havin' a good time at the weddin', dancin' to music and doin' fun stuff, but then it got overrun by walkers. It was just like the real world in the way it is right now. I guess all the world is a bad dream. I hope I wake up from it soon. I hope I wake up an' my momma's alive. She'll be in the kitchen cookin' those real nice cookies she makes, an' i'll only see my dad on the weekends or somethin', whenever he decides he wanna see me, an' he'll love me again. If this bad dream ends, i'll be loved again.

I'm still laid next to my dad in the bed, but he rolled over half way into the night so he ain't facin' me, his back is. I never touch my dad's back, just 'cause i'd feel bad. I know his dad, my Grandpa Will, who I weren't ever allowed to meet none, was not a nice man none. That's what dad always said when I asked 'im why I couldn't go with 'im to Grandpa Will's house. Anyway, he used to hit my dad on his back, and now he's got a load'a marks all over. I know they're old and they prob'ly don't hurt none, but I still feel bad to touch 'em just in case they do.

"Hey, daddy." I say, 'cause I can't lay still an' wait for him to wake up any longer. Dad can sleep for so long. "Daddy. Dad. Dad. Daddy. Dada. Dad. Daddy. Papa. Dolphin. Dairy. Dan—"

"Bowie!" Dad huffs, makin' me grin. At least he's awake after I named almost every single D word i'm aware of.

"I'm bored." I say, sittin' up. He was nice to me last night, so I think that it's better now. Usually, he wouldn't have stayed in the bed with me. He did last night.

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