⁰¹², green spongebob.

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Carl's up an' outta bed now, 'cause he's all better

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Carl's up an' outta bed now, 'cause he's all better. Dad's gettin' better, too, but he ain't allowed to go out an' look for Sophia until he's fully better, which he ain't happy about none. He's just in our tent, doin' somethin' that he calls 'mopin' around.' That's what he calls it when I do it, so I think that's the name. I'm glad he's gettin' better, though. I'm glad Carl's better, too, even though he ain't spoken to me none since he got outta the bed.

He's with Lori, feedin' the baby chickens. I wanna feed the baby chickens, too, but I don't wanna annoy him none. I think i've been avoidin' him 'cause i'm scared that he's gonna yell at me 'cause I let Sophia go. Every time he looks at me, I turn in the opposite direction. I don't mean to, but it just happens. He prob'ly thinks I am the one ignorin' him, just like I think he's the one ignorin' me.

I'm watchin' Lori an' Carl laugh together while they feed the cutesie little chicks, an' it just makes me miss my momma a whole lot. I prob'ly look like a weirdo, 'cause i'm sat outside my tent with my knees pulled up to my chin while I stare at 'em with big, wide, sad eyes. Even though Lori don't look like my momma none, at all, she don't even act like my momma, I still get sad an' she makes me think about mine, weirdly.

They have a whole lotta differences. My momma had big green eyes, and she had super long, wavy blonde hair. She was real, real beautiful. Not like Lori ain't beautiful, but my mom was beautiful in a different way to Lori. The thought of my momma makes my heart warm, but hurt at the same time. It makes me feel weird.

Some'a my favourite memories in my life ain't even actual, real memories of stuff I did, like goin' to playgrounds or on vacation. My favourite memories are watchin' the way my dad used to look at momma. He looked 'er like she was the most beautiful person in the world, which she was, but his eyes would just light up, an' it was soooo cute, even though he'd swear he wasn't in love with 'er or anythin' silly like that.

"Hey, Bowie. You okay?" Glenn asks as he walks in front of me, blockin' my view of Lori and Carl, makin' me move my head.

"Do you ever miss ya family?" I ask, even though I don't know what Glenn's family life was like before the word ended an' stuff.

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