⁰⁰⁴, dixons don't cry.

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Thankfully, I finally found out what happened to my Uncle Merle in Atlanta

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Thankfully, I finally found out what happened to my Uncle Merle in Atlanta. Carl's daddy told me. He handcuffed him too a roof 'cause he wasn't bein' nice. I could see that happenin', but i'm sad and all, 'cause Merle is still my uncle, and I hope he ain't dead on some rooftop in Atlanta. Daddy's gonna be so sad. He's gonna be angry, too, and sad an' angry ain't a good mix. Especially not for my dad. I'm nervous for him to come back, now. I think everyone is. Especially T-Dog, 'cause he dropped the key to the handcuffs that were on Merle's wrist. It's basically his fault he ain't back, so.

It's been an entire night since my daddy left. I haven't slept none, 'cause i'm nervous. He don't usually take this long, an' i'm a little scared he's dead or somethin'. I really don't want him to be dead. I'm sat on a chair, Fawkes in my hand while I wait for him to come back. He told me he ain't gonna be long, but he's been so long. It ain't normal how long he's actually been. Carl, Sophia, Louis and Eliza have all been playin' a game. I ain't been invited, 'cause Carl said somethin' about me fallin' over too much. They all laughed at me, except Sophia. Now i'm just sat lonely. I ain't got a clue why no kids ever wanna play with me. It ain't far. I ain't too bad, am I? I can be fun, I think. It's not my fault i'm clumsy.

I wonder if Harry Styles is still alive. Back at my momma's house, I had a big One Direction poster on my wall. Harry's my favourite but I don't know if he'd survive all this. What if I see Harry Styles walkin' as one of them dead ones? I don't know if i'd be able to kill Harry, even if he is dead. Dad would be able to. He don't like One Direction. He says they're annoyin', an' every time I played their music at my dad's house, he'd put his hands over his ears an' then turn it off, even though I did hear him hum to their song 'Up All Night' once, an' I giggled about it for ages.

"You're deep in thought." Glenn said to me as he walked past the chair in sat on. I look up at him, 'cause I gotta ask him.

"D'ya think Harry Styles is still alive?" I ask, making him raise his eyebrows with a slight smile on his face.

"Like the One Direction guy? I don't know, maybe." He says, an' I gasp, 'cause Glenn actually knows One Direction. I don't know why i'm surprised, though, 'cause Glenn looks like he'd know who One Direction are. He looks like that type of guy.

"Of course the One Direction guy. Gonna marry him when I grow up, anyway, if the world goes back normal." I say, proudly, 'cause I am actually gonna marry him, if you didn't know.

"That's exciting." Glenn said, keeping his smile. "Can I come?"

"If you want to come!" I say, excitedly. "What's your favourite One Direction song? Mine is Moments, but what's yours?"

"I don't listen to them like that, but I like More Than This, but I also really like Tell Me A Lie, but What Makes You Beautiful is pretty good, too." He shrugs, makin' me giggle.

"Maybe just say their whole album next time." I suggest. He said almost every song on the album, so he could save his breath. I like that Glenn likes One Direction, though, 'cause I really do.

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