⁰⁰⁶, an alien spaceship.

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A lot has happened in the past couple of days

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A lot has happened in the past couple of days. A whole lot, an' it feels like i'm gettin' whiplash from it all. Poor Amy had been bit when all the walkers invaded the camp. She turned, an' then she got put down by Andrea, and Moon Man got eaten, too. Poor Jim had been bitten, an' then we decided to head to the CDC to see if they had something they could do to help him, but he couldn't do the full trip. He was too exhausted, so he asked to be left on the side of the road. He wanted to be a walker like the rest of his family were. We had lost a lot of people. Eliza and Louis had left with their parents, too. They were going somewhere different.

I'm in the truck with my dad now, on the way to the CDC. We ain't talkin' none, 'cause when does my dad ever talk to me by choice? We've been in the car for two days. I'm so hungry, an' all I can think about is the fish I didn't finish the other day. I think that is one of the worst feelings ever, bein' hungry and thinkin' of the food you wasted. It's like your brain is windin' you up, even though my hunger wouldn't be any different if I finished the fish.

Dad also didn't bring Uncle Merle back from Atlanta. He was gone when they got there, an' his hand was the only thing left, so I don't know where he is. Dad ain't spoke much about it, so I think he might be a little sad. I've been wantin' to talk to him about it, but I know better than to talk about dead relatives. I learnt my lesson the hard way when I try to talk about my momma.

"Daddy, can I do a CD?" I ask, openin' up the little cupboard thing inside the truck and takin' out my One Direction CD.

"No." Dad instantly says, makin' me sigh.

"Why? It's borin' an' silent. I just wanna listen to one song." I beg, tryin' to put the CD in, but he grabs my hand and takes the CD from me, rollin' down the window. My eyes widen. "No!"

"Put it back, then." He says, handin' me the CD. I sigh, puttin' it back and crossin' my arms. He's so damn grumpy all the time. I try to choose another CD that I know he will like, like a Metallica one, but he just closes the glove compartment, almost trappin' my fingers while he does so. "Just stop. We'll be there soon."

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