⁰¹³, the loved and the unloved.

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I'm feelin' all right now

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I'm feelin' all right now. I've had a good nights sleep, an' Maggie found me some stop-ya-itchin' cream, so I was able to sleep with no scratchin' on my legs. She wasn't in a good mood when she got back. She yelled at Lori an' threw a box'a pills at her. She didn't throw my cream at me or nothin', she just didn't say anythin' as she gave me the tube. I think somethin' might've happened. She seemed all moody an' weird, so I just said 'thanks' an' let her go.

Right now, i'm sat right next to my dad. We both have a plate of eggs, that I definitely made sure ain't got milk in it. Everyone else is either eatin', or doin' their own thing. Andrea is sharpenin' her knife. I don't care about Andrea none. She shot my daddy an' I hate her for that. Glenn's over on his own chair, sat down lookin' at the ground. I don't think he likes eggs none.

Carol made these eggs, though, so they're real good. No offence to T-Dog or anythin', but Carol's better at makin' eggs than he is. I think maybe it's 'cause she's a momma, and she knows how to make good food 'cause she's done it a lot. I bet Sophia can't wait to get back an' have some of her momma's food. I wonder what she's eatin' out there. Maybe she found a fruit tree, or maybe she even ran through a house an' found somethin'. I don't know.

Eatin' eggs makes me think about this annoyin' question that some kids in my class always used to say. It always got me annoyed, 'cause I ain't never know the answer to it. What came first, the chicken, or the egg? How am I supposed to know that? Some of 'em said the egg, but how would the egg be there if there ain't no chicken to lay the darn thing? But then, if the chicken came first, how does it exist without bein' hatched in the egg?

"Daddy?" I ask, turnin' to face him. "D'ya know which came first? The chicken or the egg?"

"The egg, prob'ly. They been round longer." He says.

"Yeah, but how's it an egg if there ain't no chicken to lay the darn egg?" I ask. This is one'a those questions that hurt my head. Like when people try to tell ya to see nothin'. Ya can't see nothin'.

"I don't know, Bowie." Dad answers. I huff, 'cause I can't even blame him for not knowin'. I don't know, either.

"Um, guys?" Glenn says, makin' us all look up at him. At first, I think he's gonna give a real serious answer about the chicken or the egg, but I think he seems a little more serious than that. "So, the barns full of walkers."

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