⁰⁰³, helicopter boy.

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We've been in the camp for a while now

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We've been in the camp for a while now. I ain't sure exactly how long it's been, I just know it's been a while. I know everyone well now, I think. Daddy an' Uncle Merle hunt for the group now, their job is to basically feed the camp, so they leave a lot. Even though i've been in the camp for a while, I still ain't got many friends. I still don't think Carl likes me none. Sophia sometimes asks me to play, an' obviously I do 'cause i'm bored a lot, but that ain't but once a week or somethin' borin'. For the next five— I mean six days of the week, i'm just sat alone with Fawkes an' stuff, doin' nothin'. Sometimes i'll help my dad cook, but not a lot 'cause he says I work too slow, which I guess I do, but I don't mean to.

Daddy's gettin' ready to go on a hunt right now. I wanna go with him, but I know if I ask him while he's gettin' ready, the answer is gonna be no. If I ask him just before he leaves, there's a bigger chance of him sayin' yes. He's goin' on a long hunt, I think, but I don't wanna stay at the camp with Uncle Merle none. He ain't a dad for a reason, 'cause the storks don't trust him with no child. I don't blame those storks. Uncle Merle ain't kid worthy none.

I think Glenn is kid worthy, so I don't know why the storks don't bring him no kid. I think he'd be a good daddy, or maybe a good big brother 'cause I don't know how old he is, but he don't look old like daddy does. I wonder if Glenn is a big brother. I'd like for Glenn to be my big brother. I don't think he knows I like him, but I do. I don't speak to him really ever, but I just watch him. He's happy a lot, like me, but the difference is that people like his happy 'cause he's good annoyin'. I'm bad annoyin', i've realised.

"All right, i'm goin'." Dad says as he slings his crossbow over his shoulder. That's my cue, so I quickly hop off my chair an' follow.

"Can I come with ya?" I ask, trailin' behind him, but he's walkin' fast, so I gotta do a little jog to keep up with him.

"No." Dad replies. I wanna ask why, but I know his answer will just be 'cause I said' or somethin' like that, so I ain't gonna.

"But I promise to walk quietly so I don't scare the food off, I won't even trip up, I promise ya. No fallin'. I'll be careful." I beg, my hands pressed together like i'm prayin', but I don't even think God could make my daddy do somethin' he don't wanna.

"No." He says again, but this time I feel weird. I feel... is it anger? I never feel angry, so this is weird. He just ain't listenin' to me, and sometimes I just wanna be listened to.

I grab onto the bottom of his shirt, takin' a fistful to stop him from walkin', even though he almost pulls me over 'cause he don't realise i'm holdin' onto it. "Please, dad! Ya never let me come."

"An' I ain't gonna start today, go back." He says. I sigh, lookin' down at my boots 'cause I don't know what else to say. He ain't never gonna let me do anythin' with him, I think. I think he don't like spendin' time with me. Maybe I am a little unbearable.

"But why not?" I ask, finally askin' my why, even though I know the answer 'cause it's drilled in my head so hard I feel like that stupid big green guy, Frankenstein.

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