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Stan pov:

I was walking in the hallways. I've haven't hang out with the boys for a while now..
Cartman was just being annoying and kenny was all the time with butters since they started daring. Heh understandable.

Since Wendy and I broke up for good this time we stayed good friends in the end. She came out as lesbian not long ago. I'm very happy for her.

Some days ago she saw me standing alone so she proposed me to hang out either Bebe ckyde and her. I didn't liked clyde that much but Bebe is cool so I agreed.

We all went went to the mall the other day. Bebe almost begged up to go to Starbucks. Wendy giggled.

"Okay me and Bebe are going to Starbucks and you two go do whatever you want. We all meet back her in 15 minutes"

Wendy proposed. We all agreed. Bebe and Wendy left leaving me alone with clyde. I didn't got the time to ask him what he wanted to do that he already dragged me away.

He was looking for bisexual pins. I was a bit confused.

"I didn't knew you were bisexual clyde..."

Clyde looked at me with a bright smile

"Yeahhh I found out recently myself"

He seemed to be thinking of something now. I could see a slight blush appear on his cheeks.

"You have a crush on a guy?"

"Shut up!"

Clyde became bright red. I smirked. He just hurried to go pay his pin. He puts it on his jacket besides his Dutch pin. I didn't knew he was Dutch either. To be honest I didn't knew much about clyde anyway.

We went back where we had to meet up with the girls. They were already here. Bebe was drinking her Frappuccino happily. Wendy giggled at her.

"I found the pin!!"

Clyde exclaimed. Wendy smiled at him

"That's awesome clyde"

They kept talking but I wasn't paying much attention. Tahts when I saw him. Kyle was there. He was very close to us. I looked at others.

"We gotta go.."

"What why?"

Bebe asked looking confused.


Wendy and Bebe looked at eachother then back at me. They nodded and we walked away quickly.

"So mind explaining?"

Clyde spoke up. I sighed.

"Kyle was there.."

Wendy raised an eyebrow.

"Whats the issue with that-? He's your best friend?"

I looked down

"Well he's been focusing on basketball and studying a lot. He barely really hang it with me or the boys anymore- and I think I...hum"

I could feel my face get hot

"I t-think I like him...I've been questioning myself a lot..and I've come to the conclusion that I can't avoid my feelings.."

Clyde started laughing and we all looked at him

"Oh my god- you're finally out of your denial phase?"

He said between laughs. Wendy giggled and Bebe snickered.

"Come on that's not funny-"

I looked away obviously blushing. But Clyde was right. I spent nights awake thinking it was impossible that I was in love with my best friend..

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