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(Stan’s POV)

(Time skip to weeks later)

I have football a football game later, and to be honest, I’ve been dreading it.

I haven’t really eaten much these past few weeks. Part of it is cause I look and feel like shit. But it’s also partly because the thought of eating has just been making me sick, lately. I also just want something I can be in control of. I’m forced to live with my dad, my whole future depends on a test score I get when I’m 17, and I can’t keep denying my feelings towards Kyle.

I know I’ve lost weight. I don’t know how much, but it was enough for Shelly to point it out. I just told her I’m on a diet for football. According to her, I “looked fine before,” but I don’t care. I think I look better now.

Speaking of weight, Clyde’s been acting strange lately, too. I could’ve swore he looks thinner, too. As much as I hate him, I can’t deny that I’m concerned for him.

We were all getting dressed for practice, since it was always held right before a game. Maybe I should’ve eaten today. I feel like absolute shit:

I put on my uniform and gear, and as I was walking to the field, I ran into Clyde. We began walking next to eachother.

“You look like shit.” He spoke up in a snobby tone.

“So do you.” I replied.

Halfway through practice, I began feeling awfully sick and dizzy. I could tell something was up with Clyde, too.

I began walking to my coach, and in my peripheral vision, I noticed Clyde about to walk over, too, but hesitate once he saw me.

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