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(Stan’s POV)

I hated Clyde, so fucking much. But Bebe wanted me to check up on him, and I’m not that shitty of a person.

I knocked on his door before walking in, seeing his face drop at my sight.

“Aren’t you supposed to be at the game, or something?” He asked. I shook my head.

“Stuck my finger down my throat, threw up, got out of it.” I shrugged. He gave me a confused look, but I wasn’t about to admit that I did it cause I felt way too sick to play. I didn’t wanna him to look down on me. Though, he is in the hospital.

“What happened?”


“Why’d you pass out?” I asked.

And I can’t stop. It started Freshman year, when I began dieting for football. I didn’t think much of it. Made me great at math, in fact.

But now it’s gotten worse, and I can’t stop. I know it’s an addiction, but I can’t tell anyone. I don’t care about how sick I look and feel, because it was my own choice this time. No one else’s.

I know people are starting to notice. Hell, they’ve been noticing. I remember in Freshman year, when I passed out in the middle of gym class. No one thought anything of it, though. Just had to stay a week in the inpatient hospital so that they could monitor my eating. And shitting. Yeah, I didn’t realize that when you’re put on EDP they watch you shit.

I decided to head to the cafeteria. They signed me in as a “family member” of Clyde’s, so I was allowed in.

I saw the bowl of oranges. There was just something about them. I headed over, grabbing one and peeling it open, before taking the first bite.

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