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-Wendy POV-

Stan have been acting different these day. Not only that he lost weight but also towards me. But so have I. I've been hanging out with Bebe a lot. I've been confused abiut my own Sexuality a lot lately.

Stan is nice don't get me wrong. He have improved as a boyfriend and I'm incredibly proud of him for that.

I've just hang out with Bebe a lot. She's my best friend but I realized that deep inside I wanted more than that. I realized that I was lesbian.

It all started when I was hanging out with Bebe. We were at her house. She was showing me some of her outfits.  She was going on a date with clyde later on and she needed to be PERFECT.

She came back in a beautiful red dress. I couldn't help but stare at her. The red always suited her. She was so pretty...almost hot...

She walked to me but tripped. I tried to catch her but we both fell down. Her on top of me. I could feel my face heat up. And so was hers.

We stared at eachother for a long while before she leaned in and kissed me. I kissed her back. I've never kissed a girl before but oh it felt so good.

But that's when realization hit ne. She's with clyde. She's going on a date with him.
I pushed her away. She looked at me with a shoked look on her face.

"That never happened."

She said sternly. I could feel my heart sink in my chest. I knew it was wrong but I liked it. It didn't felt the same when stan kissed me.

After that day I thought for a long time. And that's how I figured out I was lesbian and that I like Bebe.

Today I met up with stan. I was going to tell him. I had to. I couldn't just lie to him.


"Yes Wendy?"

He looked at me and I took a deep breath.

"We need to break up."

Stan eyes widened slightly

"What..?- I..what did I do this time..?"

I felt bad for him. But I had no choices.

"Look...you did nothing...I'm...I'm just lesbian..I'm sorry.."

Stan sighed and smiled at me.

"It's fine Wendy...you can't can't control that.."

I smiled at him and we just hugged eachother.

"Thanks for understanding Stan.."

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