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(Stan’s POV)

When I arrived home, I immediately headed for my room, not greeting Shelly on my way upstairs.

I threw myself onto my bed, before grabbing a pillow and sobbing into it. Our relationship had been on and off, but we always got back together. It was usually my fault, somehow. 

This time though, I knew we were getting back together. She said it herself…she’s a lesbian. What if she was just using me for sexual pleasure? Or just dating me out of pity? Did she ever even love me? Or was I just a distraction for her.

It all made sense now. After the last time we broke up, I made it my mission to be the perfect boyfriend. I texted and called her every day, I took her on weekly dates, bought her gifts all the time…

Though, she didn’t seem all that interested. She cancelled most of our dates, and I remember seeing an expensive pair of earrings I bought her stored away in her junk drawer.
Years of memories, down the drain. Just like that. All cause she liked a stupid girl…I wonder if any of it meant something to her. 

I always thought Wendy and I were end-game. I’d dated other people while we were broken up, but none of them were like Wendy. She was everything to me…I guess she didn’t feel the same. 

I just wish she would’ve told me instead of leading me on. 

This breakup feels different. I guess before, i always knew there was a chance, even if it was a small one, that we’d get back together. That deep down, she loved me too much to let me go. But this time, there’s none of that. We’re done for good. She likes girls. Im a boy, and I’m gonna have to accept that.

All I can do is cry. And cry, and cry, and cry. And cry knowing that I can’t dial Wendy’s number, and hear her express her love for me to cheer me up.

Did any of it mean anything to her? All those dates, late-night phone calls, movie nights, “i love you’s…” we even lost our virginity to each other! I guess I mistook that as a sign that we’d be together forever.

I wonder if she was using me. Maybe it was for social status. I mean, I’m a football player, she’s a cheerleader. It’s practically in the bible that we’d end up together!

I’m overthinking things. She’s moved on. There’s nothing I can do about it, so why grieve on it?

I fucking want her back.

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